Let’s Go! To Japan
Experience the thrill of planning and embarking on a dream vacation in Japan with 'Let's Go! To Japan.' This strategic board game tests your ability to balance resources and maximize points. Perfect for those who love travel and strategy games.
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About the game
Let’s Go! To Japan is an enchanting and engaging board game that transports players to the diverse and vibrant landscapes of Japan, immersing them in a thrilling journey of culture, strategy, and fun. The game beautifully encapsulates the charm of Japan, blending its historical richness with modern allure.
The theme of Let’s Go! To Japan is exploration. As a player, you’re a traveler exploring Japan, visiting famous landmarks, experiencing traditional rituals, tasting local cuisines, and collecting souvenirs. Each city and town you visit brings new experiences and challenges, enriching your journey as you navigate your way through the game.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Let’s Go! To Japan is a fun and engaging board game designed to teach players about Japanese culture and geography. Here are the components included in the game and their respective functions:
1. Game Board: The game board represents a map of Japan. It is segmented into different regions, each marked with important cities and landmarks. The board serves as the playing field where players move their pieces.
2. Player Pieces: Each player has a piece to represent them on the board. The piece is moved across the game board based on dice rolls and card instructions.
3. Dice: The game includes a six-sided dice. This is used to determine how many spaces a player’s piece can move during their turn.
4. Destination Cards: These cards depict various destinations in Japan. Players draw a destination card at the beginning of their turn, and they must move their piece towards that destination. Reaching the destination earns the player points.
5. Event Cards: Event cards add an element of surprise to the game. When drawn, they can either aid or hinder a player’s progress. Events may include festivals, natural disasters, or unexpected encounters.
6. Knowledge Cards: These cards contain trivia about Japan’s culture, history, and geography. Players can earn extra points by correctly answering the questions on these cards.
7. Point Tokens: These tokens are used to keep track of each player’s score. Points are earned by reaching destinations and answering Knowledge Card questions correctly.
8. Instruction Manual: This booklet contains the game rules, how to set up the game, and explanations about each game component. It’s important to read through the instructions before starting to play.
The components of ‘Let’s Go! To Japan’ interact to create a dynamic game experience. The game board and player pieces provide the physical space for movement and competition, while the dice and cards introduce elements of chance and strategy. The tokens and Knowledge Cards add an educational aspect to the game, making it not just a source of entertainment, but also a tool for learning about Japan.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Let’s Go! To Japan is an exciting board game that takes players on a virtual tour of Japan. Here is a step-by-step guide to setting up the game.
Step 1: Identifying the Player Roles
Each player chooses a role from the following list:
- Mountain Climber: Specializes in traversing the rugged terrain of Japan’s mountains.
- City Explorer: Excels in navigating through the bustling streets of Japan’s cities.
- Historical Researcher: Has a passion for visiting historical landmarks and sites.
- Cuisine Connoisseur: Is on a quest to sample the finest culinary delights of Japan.
Step 2: Board Placement
Unfold the game board in the center of the play area. The game board is a map of Japan, with distinct regions representing cities, mountains, historical landmarks, and food destinations.
Step 3: Initial Resources
Each player receives the following resources to start:
- 5 Travel Tokens
- 2 Cultural Tokens
- 1 Role-specific Ability Card
Travel Tokens are used to move across the board, while Cultural Tokens are used to interact with various elements of the board. The Role-specific Ability Card grants each player a unique ability corresponding to their chosen role.
Step 4: Setting Up the Deck
Shuffle the deck of Destination Cards and place it face down next to the board. This deck contains a variety of destinations each player will attempt to reach during the game. The top card of the deck is flipped over to reveal the first destination.
Step 5: Random Elements
Shuffle the Event Card deck and place it face down next to the Destination Cards. These cards introduce random elements into the game, such as unexpected obstacles or opportunities. Draw one Event Card and read it aloud. Apply its effects immediately.
The game is now set up and ready to play. Enjoy your virtual journey through Japan!
Game flow Round and round we go
The game of ‘Let’s Go! To Japan’ is a fun and engaging board game that takes players on a virtual tour of the land of the rising sun. The game is structured in a series of rounds, each consisting of various phases where players perform specific actions. The overall objective of the game is to earn the most points by visiting various tourist attractions in Japan.
Starting the Game:
At the beginning of the game, each player selects a token to represent them on the board. They also receive a set amount of money, a travel guide, and a tourist map. The youngest player goes first.
Round Structure:
Each round in ‘Let’s Go! To Japan’ is divided into three main phases: Planning, Travel, and Exploration.
1. Planning Phase:
In this phase, players decide which Japanese city or attraction they would like to visit next. They can use their travel guide and tourist map to help make this decision. Once a destination has been chosen, the player must pay the necessary travel cost in game money.
2. Travel Phase:
During the travel phase, players move their token across the board, following the paths outlined on the board. If a player passes through a city they do not wish to visit, they still need to pay a travel fee. Any player who lands on or passes a souvenir shop can choose to buy a souvenir for extra points.
3. Exploration Phase:
Upon reaching their chosen destination, players enter the exploration phase. Here, they can experience the local culture, visit tourist attractions, and take photos. Each of these activities can earn the player points. But beware, some activities may also cost money.
End of the Game:
The game ends when one player has visited all the major cities and attractions on the board. All players then tally up their points from visiting destinations, buying souvenirs, and performing activities. The player with the highest total is declared the winner and crowned the ultimate tourist!
During each phase of a round, players can perform certain actions. These include:
- Choosing a Destination: During the Planning Phase, players choose the next location they want to visit.
- Moving Across the Board: In the Travel Phase, players move their token along the pathways.
- Buying Souvenirs: When a player lands on or passes a souvenir shop, they can choose to buy a souvenir.
- Visiting Attractions: During the Exploration phase, players can visit tourist attractions in the city they’ve reached.
- Taking Photos: Players can take photos at attractions to earn extra points.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
Let’s Go! To Japan is an engaging and strategic board game that takes players through a journey across Japan. A player’s turn consists of several potential actions, each of which can greatly affect gameplay and the strategies used. Here is a detailed breakdown of these actions.
1. Draw Cards:
The first action a player can take on their turn is to draw cards. This includes either drawing two cards from the deck or taking one of the face-up cards from the card pool.
- Drawing from the Deck: This action allows players to build their hand without giving away their strategy to other players as they would not know what cards have been drawn.
- Taking from the Card Pool: This action can be strategically beneficial if a face-up card aligns with the player’s strategy. However, it also reveals part of the player’s potential strategy to others.
2. Place a Traveler:
Players can choose to place one of their traveler tokens on any city on the board that does not already have their token. This action is strategic in terms of claiming cities and preventing opponents from claiming them.
3. Move a Traveler:
A player can opt to move a traveler from one city to another. This action requires a card with the destination city’s name. This action can be a strategic choice to block an opponent or to reach a city that offers more points.
4. Claim a Route:
To claim a route, a player must discard a set of cards that match the color and number of spaces of the route, and then place their train tokens on each space. Claimed routes can potentially block opponents and help achieve destination tickets for bonus points.
5. Draw Destination Tickets:
The final possible action during a player’s turn is to draw destination tickets. These tickets provide endgame bonus points for connecting specified cities. However, any uncompleted tickets subtract from the player’s score at the end of the game. Therefore, this action carries both potential rewards and risks.
Each turn in Let’s Go! To Japan presents an array of strategic choices that can greatly affect the outcome of the game. From drawing cards to claiming routes, each decision a player makes can either propel them towards victory or set them back.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
The game of ‘Let’s Go! To Japan’ ends when all players have returned to the airport, signifying the end of their adventure. This could occur in different ways, such as running out of time or completing all the designated routes.
Victory Conditions:
There are three main ways to win the game:
- Route Completion: The first player to complete all their designated routes and return to the airport wins the game.
- Time Management: If all players run out of time before completing their routes, the player who has completed the most routes wins.
- Scenic Advantage: If there is a tie in the number of completed routes, the player who has visited the most scenic spots wins.
Actions Before Final Scoring:
Before final scoring, players must take the following actions:
- Players must ensure all their moves have been accounted for and their route cards have been marked accordingly.
- Each player must count the number of scenic spots they have visited and record this number.
- Players should double-check their time tokens to ensure they have not exceeded their limit.
- Finally, all players must return their game pieces to the airport to signify the end of the game.
Once these steps have been completed, players can proceed to the final scoring to determine the winner of the game.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
In the board game ‘Let’s Go! To Japan’, players earn points by visiting different locations, collecting souvenirs, and accomplishing bonus tasks. The scoring system is as follows:
1. Visiting Locations:
- Each location visited earns the player 1 point. The player marks the visited location with their color to indicate a visit.
- If a player visits all the locations in a region, they earn an additional 5 points. Regions are color-coded on the board.
2. Collecting Souvenirs:
- Each souvenir collected earns the player 2 points. Souvenirs can be collected by landing on souvenir spaces.
- If a player collects one of each type of souvenir, they earn an additional 10 points.
3. Accomplishing Bonus Tasks:
- Each bonus task card a player accomplishes awards them the number of points indicated on the card. Tasks can range from visiting specific locations to collecting certain types of souvenirs.
At the end of the game, players add up all their points from visiting locations, collecting souvenirs, and accomplishing bonus tasks. The player with the highest total wins the game.
If there is a tie, the tie-breaking rules are as follows:
- The player who visited the most locations wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who collected the most souvenirs wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who accomplished the most bonus tasks wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who reached the final location first wins.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
‘Let’s Go! To Japan’ is a fascinating board game that offers players a unique journey through the beautiful and historic country of Japan. While the game generally follows a straightforward set of rules, there are a few notable exceptions and special rules to be aware of that can greatly influence the outcome of the game.
1. The Shinkansen Rule: In the game, players have the chance to use the Shinkansen, or bullet train, to travel more quickly between cities. This is a special rule that allows players to move two spaces instead of one. However, players can only use the Shinkansen if they have a specific Shinkansen card in their hand.
2. The Typhoon Rule: Occasionally, a typhoon card may be drawn. When this happens, all players must immediately stop their journey and take shelter. Players cannot continue their journey until the next round. This is a rare event that can disrupt the best-laid plans.
3. The Language Barrier Rule: If a player lands on a space with a language barrier, they must draw a language card. If they can correctly answer the question on the card, they can continue their journey. If they answer incorrectly, they must remain on that space until they can answer correctly.
4. The Souvenir Rule: During their journey, players can collect souvenirs, which can help them gain extra points at the end of the game. But be careful – if a player collects too many souvenirs and their bag becomes full, they have to discard some before they can collect more.
5. The End Game Rule: The game ends when a player reaches the final destination: Tokyo. However, reaching Tokyo does not necessarily mean you win. The winner is determined by who has collected the most points from visiting different cities, answering language questions, and collecting souvenirs. If there is a tie, the player who arrived in Tokyo first is the winner.
Understanding these special rules and exceptions can greatly enhance your gameplay and strategy in ‘Let’s Go! To Japan’. So, pack your bags, have your Shinkansen cards ready, and embark on an exciting journey through the Land of the Rising Sun.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced Strategies:
- Plan Ahead: Look at the map and plan your routes in advance. It’s not always beneficial to take the shortest route. Sometimes, opting for a longer route with more cities can give you more points.
- Resource Management: Be careful with your resource management. Don’t spend all your resources in the beginning. Save some for the end game when they can be crucial for winning.
- Block Opponents: Strategically place your pieces on the board to block your opponents’ routes. This can hinder their progress and give you more time to reach your goals.
Beginner Tips:
- Start with shorter routes: As a beginner, it’s easier to manage and complete shorter routes. As you get more comfortable with the game, you can start tackling the longer ones.
- Keep an eye on your opponents: Pay attention to what your opponents are doing. This can give you a clue about their strategy and help you plan your moves accordingly.
- Don’t forget about the bonus points: Certain actions in the game can earn you bonus points. Make sure to take advantage of these whenever possible.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
- Ignoring Other Players: Let’s Go! To Japan is a competitive game. If you focus only on your own game and ignore the others, you might miss opportunities to block them or to take advantage of their mistakes.
- Spending Resources Too Quickly: It’s easy to get excited and spend all your resources at once, but this can leave you in a difficult position later on when you might need them the most.
- Forgetting the Goal: The goal of the game is to earn the most points, not to travel the most. Don’t get so caught up in moving around the board that you forget to focus on your point total.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay:
- Understand the rules: Make sure you fully understand the rules before starting the game. This will help you make better decisions and avoid unnecessary mistakes.
- Strategize: Always have a strategy in mind. Whether it’s focusing on completing routes, blocking opponents, or collecting certain types of cards, having a clear strategy can significantly improve your gameplay.
- Adapt: Be ready to adapt your strategy based on the game’s progress. If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to change your approach.