My Father’s Work
Step into the shoes of competing mad scientists in My Father's Work. Race against time and legacy to complete your father's masterwork, navigating through experiments and fear!
2 - 4
Medium Heavy
About the game
‘My Father’s Work’ is a riveting board game that thrusts players into the fascinating world of mad science. As players, you are scientists, following in your father’s footsteps, striving to complete his magnum opus. The intriguing theme is set in a Gothic Victorian era, an age of discovery, innovation, and suspense.
The game is an immersive storytelling experience, where each decision you make affects the narrative story arc, adding a layer of depth and personal involvement. This narrative-driven game evolves over multiple generations, as your family’s legacy is passed down from one generation to another. This long-term progression is one of the game’s unique features, where your actions in one round or “generation” can have lasting effects in later rounds, adding a strategic depth to your gameplay decisions.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
My Father’s Work is a robust board game packed with numerous components. Each of these components plays a crucial role in the game’s mechanics and the overall gameplay experience. Let’s go through each one:
1. Game Board: The main playing surface depicts the town where all the actions take place. It has various locations where players can send their workers to perform actions.
2. Player Boards: Each player receives an individual player board. This board is where players manage their resources and track their progress throughout the game.
3. Workers: Each player has a set of worker tokens. Players use these tokens to perform actions on the main game board.
4. Monsters: These are the creature tokens that players can create. They can provide a variety of benefits or challenges depending on the situation.
5. Experiment Cards: These cards outline the various experiments that players can conduct. Completing these experiments can lead to rewards and advancements in the game.
6. Resources: There are various types of resource tokens in the game, like iron, wood, and knowledge. Players collect and spend these resources to carry out actions and complete experiments.
7. Scenario Book: This book provides the narrative context for the game. It includes different storylines that players can follow, each offering unique gameplay twists and challenges.
8. Event Cards: These cards represent various events that can occur throughout the game. They can impact the game by introducing new challenges or opportunities.
9. Time Track and Time Marker: The game is played over a certain number of rounds, which are tracked with the time marker on the time track. This helps to keep track of the game’s progression.
10. Victory Point Tokens: These tokens are the main scoring mechanism in the game. Players earn victory points through various actions and achievements, and the player with the most points at the end wins.
11. Player Tokens: Used to represent each player’s progress and position on the various tracks and locations within the game.
12. Dice: Dice are used in various aspects of the game, like determining the outcome of certain actions or events.
Each component in My Father’s Work adds depth to the gameplay, making it a rich and immersive experience. From managing resources on your player board to maneuvering your workers on the game board, every piece contributes to the strategic and thematic elements of the game.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
My Father’s Work is a complex board game that requires careful setup to ensure a smooth playing experience. Below is a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to set up the game properly.
Step 1: Unpack the Game
Open the game box and remove all components. This includes the game board, player pieces, cards, tokens, and any other equipment. Be sure to check the game’s inventory list to make sure you have all necessary components.
Step 2: Set Up the Game Board
Place the main game board in the center of the playing area where all players can easily reach it. Depending on the scenario you choose, you will need to set up the corresponding board and place it next to the main board.
Step 3: Distribute Player Materials
Each player should receive a player board, a set of colored player markers, and a starting resources card. Players should place their markers on the corresponding spaces of the main board and their resources on their personal player boards.
Step 4: Prepare the Decks
Shuffle each deck of cards (Experiment, Family, and Town Event cards) separately and place them face down in their designated spaces on the main board.
Step 5: Set Up the Scenario
Choose a scenario from the scenario book and follow the specific setup instructions provided. This may involve adding certain cards to the decks, placing specific tokens on the board, or adjusting player starting resources.
Step 6: Determine the First Player
Randomly determine the first player. This can be done by rolling a dice, drawing cards, or any other method you prefer. The chosen player will take the first turn when the game begins.
Step 7: Begin the Game
Once setup is complete, you’re ready to begin playing My Father’s Work. Remember to keep the rulebook nearby for any questions about gameplay or rules that may arise during the game.
Enjoy your journey into the intriguing world of My Father’s Work!
Game flow Round and round we go
‘My Father’s Work’ is a highly complex and immersive board game that combines elements of strategy, problem-solving, and storytelling. The game involves players taking on the roles of mad scientists, striving to complete their father’s life’s work and create a lasting legacy.
The game is divided into three generations, with each generation subdivided into rounds. Each round represents a year in the life of the scientist, and a generation spans multiple years. Each generation ends with a Time Rift, a significant event that reshapes the course of the game.
The structure of a typical round is as follows:
- Event Phase: At the beginning of each round, an Event Card is drawn. This card may present opportunities or obstacles for the scientists. It sets the tone for the year, and the actions or effects stated on the card must be addressed before moving to the next phase.
- Work Phase: In the Work Phase, each player takes 2 actions in turn order. Actions can include gathering resources, building inventions, conducting experiments, or advancing the scientist’s work. This phase is where most of the gameplay occurs.
- Upkeep Phase: During the Upkeep Phase, players need to manage their resources, pay upkeep for their workers and inventions, and prepare for the next year. This phase emphasizes resource management and strategic planning.
Once every player has completed these three phases, the round ends, and a new round begins with a fresh Event Card. After a set number of rounds (varying based on the number of players), the generation ends with a Time Rift.
The Time Rift is an interactive storytelling event that presents players with a significant decision. The choices made during Time Rifts can drastically alter the course of the game, leading to different outcomes and stories. Each player must confront the Time Rift and make a choice that will shape the future of their scientist’s legacy.
After the Time Rift, a new generation begins with new rounds, and the game continues as described until the end of the third generation. At the end of the game, the player with the most Victory Points, achieved through successful experiments, inventions, and progress on their father’s work, is declared the winner.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
My Father’s Work is a highly complex and strategic board game. Each player’s turn consists of several potential actions, which can be broadly classified into the following categories: Work Placement, Family Actions, and End of Turn Actions.
1. Work Placement:
The player can place their workers on various spots on the board. The worker placement spots are divided into different areas like the Town, Market, and Laboratory. Each area offers different benefits:
- Town: Allows players to gather resources and perform actions that mainly involve interaction with the town’s inhabitants or structures.
- Market: Gives players a chance to buy or sell resources, and also provides opportunities for exchanging resources.
- Laboratory: Enables players to conduct experiments, advance their scientific knowledge, and complete experiment cards.
2. Family Actions:
Players can also perform family actions. These actions are restricted to the player’s family members and include:
- Building: Players can use resources to build structures or upgrades, which provide ongoing benefits or unlock new actions.
- Experimenting: Players can conduct experiments using their scientific knowledge and resources. Successful experiments advance the player’s research and bring them closer to their final goal.
- Training: Players can use their turns to train their family members, improving their efficiency in certain tasks.
3. End of Turn Actions:
At the end of their turn, players must perform certain actions:
- Refresh Market: The player refreshes the market by drawing new cards, providing new options for the next player.
- Advance Time: The player advances the time marker, bringing the game closer to the next event or the end of the game.
- Check Victory Conditions: The player checks if they have met the victory conditions. If they have, the game ends and they are declared the winner. If not, the game continues to the next player’s turn.
The strategic choices made during each player’s turn significantly affect the gameplay in My Father’s Work. Choosing where to place workers and how to use family actions can greatly influence a player’s resource management and progression towards victory. It is important for players to balance their immediate needs with their long-term strategy to win the game.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
My Father’s Work is a complex and engaging board game that involves strategy, planning, and a bit of luck. The game ends in one of two ways:
- The game concludes after the third generation. This means that all players have had the opportunity to play as each of the three generations in their family of mad scientists.
- Alternatively, the game can end prematurely if the town’s suspicion becomes too high. If the suspicion marker reaches the end of the suspicion track, players are discovered and the game ends immediately.
At the end of the game, victory points are calculated to determine the winner. The player with the most victory points is declared the winner. Points can be earned in several ways throughout the game:
- Experiment Completion: Players earn points for each experiment they successfully complete. The number of points is indicated on the experiment card.
- Mansion Rooms: Each room in the player’s mansion grants a specific number of points, as shown on the room tile.
- Monster Creation: Creating a monster earns a player points. The points vary depending on the monster and are written on the monster card.
- Scenario Goals: Each scenario has specific goals that, if achieved, grant additional points. These goals are outlined on the scenario card.
- Endgame Bonuses: Some experiments, rooms, and other game components can provide endgame bonuses. Players need to be aware of these potential bonuses and plan their strategy accordingly.
Before final scoring, players must complete a final round of actions. This includes finalizing any unfinished experiments (if possible), making any last-minute purchases or upgrades, and setting up their board for final scoring. It’s important to note that no new actions can be started at this point – players can only finish what they’ve already started.
The game of ‘My Father’s Work’ is a true test of strategic planning and execution. The player who can best manage their resources, complete the most experiments, and achieve their scenario goals will emerge victorious.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
‘My Father’s Work’ is a thematic board game that revolves around the life of a mad scientist, where players conduct experiments, increase knowledge, and build a legacy. Here are the detailed scoring rules and tie-breakers for the game.
Scoring System
- Experiment Points: You earn points for successfully completing experiments. The amount of points varies based on the complexity and difficulty of the experiment.
- Knowledge Points: Points are awarded based on the level of knowledge a player gains throughout the game. Each knowledge level has a corresponding point value.
- Legacy Points: These points are awarded for creating a lasting legacy through inventions, theories, and discoveries. The more influential your legacy, the more points you earn.
- Objective Points: At the start of the game, each player receives secret objectives. Points are awarded if these objectives are met by the end of the game.
- Time Bonus Points: Players can gain bonus points for completing certain tasks or reaching specific milestones before others. The faster you accomplish these, the more points you earn.
Tie-Breaking Rules
- Most Completed Experiments: In the event of a tie, the player who has completed the most experiments wins.
- Most Knowledge: If there is still a tie, the player with the highest level of knowledge wins.
- Fastest Time: If a tie persists, the player who achieved their final score in the least amount of time is the winner.
- Random Draw: If there is still a tie after applying all the above rules, the winner is decided by a random draw.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
‘My Father’s Work’ is a complex and strategic board game, with a few special rules and exceptions that players should be aware of:
1. Time Travel Mechanic: The game has a unique time travel mechanic, where players can send their resources to their past or future selves. However, they should remember that any changes in the past might cause a ‘temporal ripple’ and affect the future game state.
2. Experimentation: Players can conduct experiments, but they should note that failed experiments could lead to destructive consequences, not just for them but potentially for all players.
3. Resource Management: Resources in the game are limited, and once used, they cannot be regained except through specific actions or cards. Therefore, strategic resource management is crucial.
- Exception: The ‘Resurrection’ card allows the player to regain a lost resource. However, this card can only be used once per game.
4. Monster Creation: Players have the ability to create monsters, but they should be aware of the risks and costs associated with this. Creating a monster requires a significant amount of resources and has potential negative effects if not managed properly.
5. End Game Scoring: Unlike many other games, ‘My Father’s Work’ has an unusual end game scoring. Not only are victory points scored for achievements and objectives completed, but points are also deducted for any unresolved issues or failed experiments.
6. Generational Play: The game is played over three generations. Players should remember that actions taken in one generation can have impacts on future generations.
- Clarification: While players can’t change actions taken in previous generations, they can mitigate some effects through strategic play in later generations.
7. Player Interaction: Players can interact with each other in various ways, such as trading resources or sabotaging experiments. However, they can’t directly control or influence other players’ actions.
- Exception: There are certain cards that allow for a degree of control or influence over other players. These cards are rare and should be used strategically.
8. Story Progression: The game has a branching narrative. The choices players make in the story can have significant impacts on the game state and the options available to all players.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced Strategies for ‘My Father’s Work’
1. Predictive Planning: Success in ‘My Father’s Work’ depends on being able to anticipate future game states and plan accordingly. It is crucial to keep track of the available resources, current objectives, and the actions of other players. This will help you make strategic decisions and stay ahead in the game.
2. Strategic Resource Allocation: This game revolves around resources. Manage your resources wisely. Don’t spend all your resources in one round; instead, save for the future. Consider what resources are most necessary for your current objectives and prioritize accordingly.
3. Experiment Management: Each experiment can yield significant benefits if completed successfully. However, they also require a substantial amount of resources. Be selective about the experiments you undertake and ensure they align with your overall strategy.
Beginner Tips for ‘My Father’s Work’
1. Understand the Rules: Before you start playing, take time to read and understand the rules. This will give you a basic understanding of the gameplay, scoring system, and key strategies.
2. Start Small: As a beginner, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the complexity of the game. Start by focusing on smaller, easier objectives before moving on to more complex tasks. This way, you can gradually learn the mechanics of the game without feeling overwhelmed.
3. Play with Experienced Players: If possible, play your first few games with experienced players. They can provide valuable insights and tips, helping you to quickly grasp the nuances of the game.
Common Mistakes to Avoid in ‘My Father’s Work’
1. Overcommitting Resources: One common mistake is to commit too many resources to a single task. This can leave you without the necessary resources to accomplish other tasks and put you at a disadvantage.
2. Ignoring Other Players: ‘My Father’s Work’ is a competitive game. Ignoring the actions of other players can lead to missed opportunities to block their strategies or capitalize on their mistakes. Always pay attention to what others are doing.
3. Neglecting the Big Picture: While it’s important to focus on immediate objectives, don’t lose sight of your overall strategy. Always keep your ultimate goals in mind.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay in ‘My Father’s Work’
1. Regular Practice: Like any complex game, ‘My Father’s Work’ requires practice. The more you play, the better you’ll understand the game mechanics and develop effective strategies.
2. Stay Adaptive: The game’s circumstances can change rapidly, so it’s vital to stay flexible and adapt your strategy as needed. Don’t get too attached to a particular strategy, and always be ready to change your approach based on the game’s progression.
3. Balanced Approach: Try to maintain a balanced approach to resource allocation, experiment management, and strategy planning. Don’t focus too heavily on one aspect of the game at the expense of others. A balanced approach is often the key to success.