Raiders of Scythia
Raiders of Scythia, an exciting board game where you assemble a crew, train animals, and gather provisions to raid settlements, complete quests and gather riches!
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About the game
Raiders of Scythia is an enthralling and immersive worker-placement board game that transports players back to the 9th century. In this game, you take on the role of a leader of a Scythian tribe, embarking on daring raids, plundering resources, and proving your dominance over rival tribes. The game captures the essence of the ancient Scythian era, presenting a world steeped in history, adventure, and strategy.
The game’s setting is the vast Eurasian steppes, a landscape that is as ruthless as it is beautiful. The game board showcases a vibrant representation of this region, complete with distinct territories and locations, each offering unique opportunities and challenges. You will lead your tribe across the steppes, building your crew, acquiring livestock, and honing your battle skills to execute successful raids.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Raiders of Scythia is an engrossing worker-placement board game that involves strategic planning and resource management. Here are the game components and their respective functions:
1. 1 Game Board: It serves as the main platform where players plan their actions. The board contains locations players can visit to perform actions. The right side of the board represents four different territories that players will raid.
2. 4 Player Boards: Each player is given one board to keep track of their resources, crew, and animals. They also serve to provide quick reference for the costs and benefits of various actions.
3. 7 Dice (4 red and 3 black): These are used to determine the outcome of raids. Red dice represent player strength while black dice represent animal strength.
4. 49 Mead Tokens: These tokens can be spent to increase a Raider’s strength during a raid or can be saved for points at the end of the game.
5. 1 First Player Marker: This marker denotes the player who starts the round. It circulates among players as the game progresses.
6. 43 Silver Coins: Silver is the main currency in the game. It is used to hire crew and equip them.
7. 60 Provision Tokens: Provisions are needed for raids. The further the territory, the more provisions are required.
8. 4 Score Markers (1 in each player color): These markers track the players’ accumulated victory points on the score track around the border of the game board.
9. 73 Cards (28 crew, 37 quest, 8 hero): Crew cards provide strength and special abilities during raids. Quest cards offer additional objectives for bonus points. Hero cards provide unique abilities to the player who controls them.
10. 28 Worker Meeples (7 in each player color): Used to perform actions on the game board. The color represents each player’s team.
11. 24 Animal Tokens (8 eagles, 8 horses, 8 camels): Animals can be used to enhance raids. Eagles provide additional strength, horses add extra actions, and camels can carry more loot.
12. 40 Loot Tiles (10 each of weapons, treasure, livestock, and wagon): Loot is the reward for successful raids. Each type of loot has a different use: weapons increase raid strength, treasures provide victory points, livestock can be traded for resources, and wagons increase carrying capacity.
The components of Raiders of Scythia interact seamlessly to provide a dynamic gaming environment where players must carefully manage their resources and crew to successfully raid territories and accumulate the most victory points.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Raiders of Scythia is a captivating board game that requires strategic planning and resource management. Here is a step-by-step guide to setting up the game:
Step 1: Board Preparation
Lay out the game board in the center of the play area where all players can easily reach it. The board displays the lands of Scythia, where players will plan and execute their raids.
Step 2: Card Arrangement
Separate the cards into three piles: Raider cards, Quest cards, and Townfolk cards. Shuffle each pile separately and place them face down beside the board. Draw 6 cards from the Townfolk deck and lay them face up on the designated spots on the board.
Step 3: Provision and Silver Coins Setup
Place the provisions and silver coins in piles next to the board. These resources are used to carry out various actions during the game.
Step 4: Worker Placement
Each player should choose a color and take all the workers of that color. All players then place one of their workers on the scoring track on the board, which will be used to keep score throughout the game.
Step 5: Player Roles
Each player takes on the role of a Scythian leader, aiming to gather a strong crew and enough provisions to raid settlements. The goal is to gain as much wealth and notoriety as possible.
Step 6: Initial Resources
Each player starts the game with 2 silver coins and 1 provision. These resources are taken from the general supply and placed in front of the player.
Step 7: Random Elements
Quest cards add an element of unpredictability to the game. These are drawn at random and provide various opportunities and challenges for players. The order in which the quests are drawn can significantly affect the game’s progression.
Remember, the key to winning Raiders of Scythia is to strategically manage your resources and crew while adapting to the random elements introduced by the Quest cards. Happy raiding!
Game flow Round and round we go
Raiders of Scythia is a worker-placement game where players compete to be the most amazing tribe by raiding unsuspecting settlements. The game is played over several rounds, each consisting of two main phases: The Work Phase and the Raid Phase.
The Work Phase involves players placing their workers on the game board in order to gather resources, recruit crew, or take special actions. The following actions are available:
- Going to the Town Center: Players can place their workers in different locations in the town center to gather resources such as provisions, silver, and kumis.
- Going to the Barracks: Here, players can recruit crew members to join their tribe. Crew members provide various abilities that can assist in raids or provide other benefits.
- Going to the Stables: Players can gain horses and eagles, which provide additional raid strength and other benefits.
- Performing a Heroic Act: Players can go to the Hero’s Tent to perform a Heroic Act. This generally involves spending resources to achieve various effects, such as gaining strength or additional workers.
The Raid Phase follows the Work Phase. In this phase, players will use their workers, resources and crew to raid settlements. The Raid Phase encompasses the following actions:
- Selecting a Settlement to Raid: The player chooses a settlement on the game board and places their worker there.
- Paying Raid Costs: The player must spend the resources indicated on the chosen settlement. This generally involves provisions and sometimes horses or eagles.
- Conducting the Raid: The player rolls dice equal to their raid strength (which is determined by their crew and any animals they have) and compares the total to the defense strength of the settlement. If the total is equal to or higher, the raid is successful.
- Collecting Spoils: If the raid is successful, the player collects the spoils indicated on the settlement. This could be livestock, equipment, captives, or even more workers.
After the Raid Phase, the player’s turn ends. If there are no more settlements left to raid, the game ends. The player with the highest total of victory points (from raids, crew, and other sources) is declared the winner.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
Raiders of Scythia is a worker-placement game where players take on the roles of Scythian leaders trying to gather resources, acquire crew, and lead raids on settlements. Each player’s turn during the game can be broken down into two main phases: the Work phase and the Raid phase. Here is a detailed breakdown of each phase and the possible actions a player can take:
1. Work Phase:
During the Work phase, the player places a worker on an available town space and carries out the corresponding action. The strategic choices and actions available include:
- Gain Provision: The player can acquire provisions, essential for raiding. The more provisions a player has, the further they can raid.
- Visit the Barracks: In the barracks, the player can recruit new crew members by paying the required silver. Crew members provide special abilities and increase the player’s strength in raids.
- Visit the Silversmith: The player can gain silver, used to recruit crew members and buy equipment.
- Visit the Stable: The player can gain a horse or an eagle. Both provide additional strength in raids.
2. Raid Phase:
During the Raid phase, the player can choose to raid a settlement. To do this, they return a worker from a raid spot and carry out the raid action. The strategic choices and actions available include:
- Choose a Settlement: The player must choose an available settlement to raid. The further the settlement, the more provisions and crew members are required.
- Pay Costs: The player pays the required provisions and, if necessary, wounds their crew members. The higher the settlement’s defense, the more crew members might get wounded.
- Gain Plunder: The player gains plunder from the settlement, which can include livestock, equipment, and gold. These can be used for various purposes, such as increasing strength, recruiting crew members, and scoring points.
- Draw a Quest Card: The player draws a quest card, which can provide additional points at the end of the game if the conditions are met.
The choices a player makes during their turn can significantly affect the gameplay. For example, focusing on gathering resources might allow the player to conduct more powerful raids later in the game. On the other hand, raiding early and often might allow the player to score points quickly and put pressure on their opponents.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
The game of ‘Raiders of Scythia’ ends when any one of the three game-end conditions is met. These conditions are:
The Raid on the Fortress of Kyres: This occurs when a player decides to raid the fortress of Kyres. The game triggers its end once this raid is successful. However, the player must have a crew of 5 and pay 11 provisions and 4 equipment cards to make this raid.
All Quests Completed: The game also ends when all four Quests on the game board have been completed. Players complete quests by visiting different locations and fulfilling the conditions written on the quests.
No More Workers in the Worker Pool: Finally, the game can end if there are no more workers available in the worker pool. Workers are used by players to take various actions throughout the game, such as raiding or trading. If all workers are in use and none are left in the pool, the game ends.
Once any of these conditions are met, players then proceed to the final scoring. Before the final scoring, each player completes any remaining actions they can with their current resources. This includes using any leftover provisions, equipment cards, or gold. Players may also use their Workers to take actions on the game board, such as drawing cards or gaining resources.
In the final scoring, players earn victory points based on the following:
Raid Plunder: Players earn points for each piece of plunder they’ve collected during their raids. This includes livestock, equipment, and provisions.
Completed Quests: Each completed Quest card is worth a certain number of victory points, as indicated on the card.
Gold Coins: Each gold coin a player has at the end of the game is worth 1 victory point.
Kubars: Each Kubar (a special type of currency) a player has at the end of the game is worth 1 victory point.
Valor Track: Players earn points based on their position on the Valor Track, a measure of their overall reputation and achievements in the game.
The player with the highest total of victory points is declared the winner of ‘Raiders of Scythia’.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
In the board game ‘Raiders of Scythia’, the players accumulate victory points (VP) throughout the game from various activities. The player with the highest total of VP at the end of the game is declared the winner. Here is a breakdown of how the scoring system works:
1. Plunder and Livestock:
- Plunder: Each piece of plunder (Gold, Silver, Iron, and Provisions) is worth a certain number of points. Gold is worth 3 VP, Silver 2 VP, and Iron 1 VP. Provisions are not worth any points.
- Livestock: Each livestock (Horses and Eagles) can be kept for points at the end of the game. Horses are worth 2 VP and Eagles are worth 3 VP.
2. Quests:
Each quest card that is completed during the game will award players with the number of VP indicated on the card.
3. Buildings:
Players score points for buildings they have constructed. The number of VP a building is worth is indicated on the building tile.
4. Workers:
A player will score points for each worker they have at the end of the game. The points vary based on the type of worker: Herders are worth 1 VP, Blacksmiths 2 VP, and Hunters 3 VP.
5. Heroes:
At the end of the game, points are awarded for each hero’s strength. Every 2 strength points equals 1 VP.
In the event of a tie, the following tie-breaking rules are applied:
- The player with the most leftover resources (gold, silver, iron, and provisions) is the winner.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most workers is the winner.
- If a tie still persists, the player with the highest total strength among their heroes wins.
- Should a tie still remain, the player who is first in turn order wins.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Raiders of Scythia is a strategy board game that requires players to engage in raiding and plundering to earn victory points. While the game’s rules are relatively straightforward, there are some rare or special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that players should be aware of:
1. The Worker Placement Rule:
In most worker placement games, players are restricted from placing workers where others have already been placed. However, in Raiders of Scythia, players can place their workers on any available action spot, regardless of whether another worker is already there.
2. The Worker Retrieval Rule:
Unlike typical worker placement games, in Raiders of Scythia, players do not retrieve their workers at the end of each round. Instead, retrieving a worker is an action that must be taken during a player’s turn. This action not only frees up an action spot but also allows the player to carry out the associated action.
3. The Raiding Rule:
- In order to raid a settlement, the player must meet the requirements listed on the board for that specific settlement. These requirements can include having a certain number of crew members, provision, or a specific type of worker.
- When a player successfully raids a settlement, they receive the benefits listed on the settlement’s space. However, they must also roll the raid dice, which can result in the loss of crew members or other penalties.
4. The Hero Abilities Rule:
Each hero in the game has a unique ability. These abilities can give a player significant advantages, but they are not usable in every situation. The player must carefully consider when and where to use their hero’s ability for maximum benefit.
5. The Quest Card Rule:
Quest cards offer players additional ways to earn victory points. However, these cards are not guaranteed points. In order to complete a quest and earn the associated points, a player must fulfill the requirements listed on the card. This often involves making certain sacrifices, such as discarding resources or crew members.
6. The End-Game Rule:
The game ends when there are no more settlements left to raid, or when the deck of townfolks runs out. In either scenario, the player with the most victory points wins the game. However, it’s important to note that some victory points are not counted until the end of the game, such as those earned from quest cards or from certain hero abilities.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
The board game Raiders of Scythia is a worker placement game that requires strategic thinking and smart planning. Here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to optimize gameplay:
Advanced Strategies:
- Manage your resources wisely: Always keep a keen eye on your resources. Make sure you have enough provisions and crew members for your raids.
- Utilize Eagles and Horses: Your Eagles and Horses are powerful tools that can give you an edge in the game. Use them to gain extra actions or resources.
- Strategize your raids: Plan your raids strategically. Target locations that have resources you need and that align with your overall game strategy.
Beginner Tips:
- Understand the game mechanics: Before you start playing, make sure you understand the game mechanics. Know how the worker placement, raiding, and crew hiring works.
- Start small: If you’re just starting out, it’s a good idea to start with small raids and gradually move on to larger ones as you get more comfortable with the game.
- Keep an eye on your opponents: Always watch your opponents’ moves. This can give you a clue about their strategy and help you plan your moves accordingly.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
- Ignoring your crew: Your crew is vital to your success in the game. Make sure you have a strong crew before you go on raids.
- Not planning ahead: Raiders of Scythia is a game that requires strategic planning. Don’t just focus on your current turn, but consider your future turns as well.
- Spending resources carelessly: Resources are limited. Don’t spend them without a plan or you might find yourself short on resources when you need them the most.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay:
- Use the right crew members: Each crew member has unique abilities. Use them strategically to gain an advantage in the game.
- Balance your actions: Don’t just focus on raiding. Make sure you also spend time gathering resources and hiring crew members.
- Adapt your strategy: The board game changes each time you play. Adapt your strategy based on the current game state.