The Princes of Florence
In The Princes of Florence, players vie for prestige by attracting scholars and artists. Utilize auctions, generate work points, and meet increasing thresholds to score and build your family's legacy.
1 - 5
Medium Heavy
About the game
‘The Princes of Florence’ is a captivating and strategic board game that takes you back to the Renaissance era. As players, you take on the roles of the heads of influential families in Florence, Italy. The game is set in the 14th-17th century, a time of incredible cultural and scientific growth, and your goal is to become the most prestigious family by supporting artists, writers, and scholars and building magnificent palaces and beautiful gardens.
Your journey through the Renaissance is built around the core mechanics of auctioning, resource management, and strategic planning. Each player seeks to attract the best talents of the time and inspire them to create great works, which in turn increase your family’s prestige. But be warned, each artist, writer, and scholar has unique requirements for creativity, requiring careful planning and construction within your palaces.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
The Princes of Florence is a strategy board game that involves creating the most prosperous city state. The game features various components, each playing a crucial role in the gameplay. The following list describes each of these components and their function:
1. Game Board:
The game board is the main component of the game where players build their city states. It is divided into individual squares where buildings, landscapes, and jesters can be placed. The game board also contains a scoring track used to keep track of the players’ prestige points.
2. Player Boards:
Each player has a personal player board where they build their city state. The board is divided into a 6×6 grid where buildings, landscapes, and jesters can be placed. The player board also has spaces for the player’s profession cards and work cards.
3. Buildings:
There are seven types of buildings in the game: Laboratories, Workshops, Libraries, Hospitals, Studios, Theatres, and Universities. Each building provides a specific advantage to the player, such as increasing the value of a work or providing freedom points.
4. Landscapes:
Landscapes are used to enhance the aesthetic value of a player’s city state, which in turn increases the value of a work. There are four types of landscapes: Forests, Lakes, Parks, and Gardens.
5. Jesters:
Jesters are used to increase the value of a work. They can be purchased during the auction phase of the game.
6. Profession Cards:
Profession cards represent the different professions that can be employed in a player’s city state. Each profession card has a specific requirement of buildings, landscapes, and jesters that needs to be met in order for the work to be completed.
7. Work Cards:
Work cards are used to perform a work. Each work card has a specific value that is added to the player’s total prestige points when the work is completed.
8. Prestige Cards:
Prestige cards provide players with additional ways to score prestige points. They are drawn at the beginning of the game and kept secret from other players.
9. Bonus Cards:
Bonus cards provide players with a one-time bonus that can be used during the game. They can be purchased during the auction phase of the game.
10. Florin Coins:
Florin coins are the currency of the game. They are used to purchase buildings, landscapes, jesters, and bonus cards during the auction phase.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
The Princes of Florence is a strategic board game that requires players to take on the roles of Princes in the Renaissance period. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to set up the game:
Step 1: Setting up the Main Board
Place the main board in the center of the table where it’s easily accessible to all players. Make sure each player has enough space to place their own game board in front of them.
Step 2: Player Boards
Give each player a personal game board. This board represents the player’s principality and will be used to build various structures and landscapes.
Step 3: Prestige Cards
Shuffle the Prestige Cards and place them in a deck, face down, next to the main board. Reveal the top 7 cards and place them face up next to the deck.
Step 4: Profession Cards
Separate the Profession Cards into two decks: A and B. Shuffle both decks separately and place them face down on the designated spots on the main board.
Step 5: Initial Resources
- Each player receives 3 Profession Cards from deck A.
- Each player starts with 900 Florin (the currency of the game).
Step 6: Building and Landscape Tiles
Sort the Building Tiles and Landscape Tiles by type and place them in separate stacks on the main board. Each player begins the game with one Forest landscape tile, which they may place on their personal board immediately.
Step 7: Freedom and Jester Tiles
Place the Freedom and Jester Tiles in separate stacks on the main board. These will be available for purchase during the game.
Step 8: Bonus Cards
Shuffle the Bonus Cards and distribute one to each player face down. Players can look at their own Bonus Card, but should keep it secret from other players.
Step 9: Turn Order
Determine the initial turn order randomly. Give each player a turn order marker of their color and place these markers on the turn order track on the main board, in the order determined.
Once these steps are completed, you’re ready to begin playing The Princes of Florence!
Game flow Round and round we go
The Princes of Florence is a competitive strategy board game where players take on the roles of patrons of the arts in the Renaissance era. The goal of the game is to amass the most prestige points. The game is divided into seven rounds, each of which is further divided into two phases: the ‘Auction Phase’ and the ‘Action Phase’.
The Auction Phase:
During the Auction Phase, players bid on various items that can be used to increase the prestige of their estates. Each round, the player with the least prestige goes first, and the player with the most prestige goes last. The items up for auction include:
- Profession cards, which represent famous artists, writers, and scientists of the Renaissance.
- Building cards, which allow players to construct buildings on their estates.
- Landscape cards, which allow players to add beautiful landscapes to their estates.
- Jester cards, which increase the productivity of professionals.
- Freedom cards, which make professionals more productive by giving them more freedom to pursue their work.
The Action Phase:
During the Action Phase, players can perform two actions from the following list:
- Recruit a professional: Players can recruit a professional from their hand by paying the recruitment cost on the card. Once recruited, the professional will generate prestige points at the end of each round.
- Build a building: Players can build a building on their estate by paying the construction cost on the card. Buildings increase the productivity of professionals and may also generate prestige points.
- Borrow money: Players can borrow money from the bank. However, borrowed money must be paid back with interest at the end of the game.
- Buy a work of art: Players can buy a work of art from the market. Works of art increase the prestige of the estate and may also generate additional prestige points at the end of the game.
- Perform a free action: Players can perform a free action that does not require an action point, such as selling a work of art or buying a jester.
The game ends after the seventh round. At this point, the player with the most prestige points is declared the winner.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
The Princes of Florence is a strategy board game where players take on the role of princes in the Renaissance era, aiming to attract artists and scholars to their palaces. The game is played over seven rounds, and during each round, players take turns performing various actions. Here’s a breakdown of what can happen during a player’s turn:
Purchasing an Auction Item
Every round begins with an auction phase. Players bid on one of several items, including builders, jester, landscapes, freedoms, and bonus cards. The player who bids the highest gets the item, but they must pay their bid to the bank. The strategic choice here is to decide which item to bid on and how much to bid, as these decisions can greatly affect a player’s overall strategy.
Performing Actions
After the auction phase, players can perform two actions per round. These can include:
- Building a Building: Players can build a building on their estate, which can attract artists and scholars. The player must pay the building’s cost to the bank.
- Purchasing a Freedom: Players can purchase a freedom, which increases the value of works produced in their estate. The player must pay the cost of the freedom to the bank.
- Acquiring a Landscape: Players can acquire a landscape, which can increase the prestige of their estate. The player must pay the cost of the landscape to the bank.
- Recruiting a Professional: Players can recruit a professional, who can produce works in their estate. The player must pay the professional’s wage to the bank.
- Producing a Work: Players can produce a work, which earns them victory points. The work’s value is determined by the professional’s skill and the prestige of the estate.
Strategic choices here involve deciding which actions to perform and in what order, as this can influence a player’s ability to attract artists and scholars, produce works, and earn victory points.
End of the Round
At the end of the round, players can earn bonus victory points based on the works produced in their estate. They also collect income based on the number of works produced and the prestige of their estate. Strategic choices here involve deciding how to maximize income and victory points through careful management of resources and strategic production of works.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
The game of ‘The Princes of Florence’ is played over seven rounds. After these seven rounds are completed, the game comes to an end. At this point, the final scoring takes place to determine the winner.
The End of the Game
The game ends after the seventh round. During the final round, players have the opportunity to make their final moves and strategies to maximize their overall points. It is important to note that no extra rounds are played after the seventh round, so players should plan their strategies accordingly.
Victory Conditions
The player with the most prestige points at the end of the game is declared the winner. Prestige points are accumulated throughout the game by building structures, buying professions, hosting events, and other means.
Actions Before Final Scoring
Before the final scoring takes place, players should ensure they have completed the following actions:
- Purchasing Actions: Players should have used their florins to purchase as many actions as possible. Unused florins are not worth anything at the end of the game.
- Work Phase: All players should have completed their work phase, during which they can use their purchased professions to generate work points.
- Building Structures: Players should have built as many structures as possible. Each structure provides benefits and contributes to the final score.
- Hosting Events: Players should host as many events as possible. This not only grants prestige points but also provides additional benefits.
Once all players have completed these actions, the final scoring can take place.
Final Scoring
In the final scoring, prestige points are calculated for all the players. This includes points from structures, professions, events, and any bonus points from special cards or actions. The player with the highest total of prestige points is declared the winner. In case of a tie, the player with the most leftover florins wins.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
The Princes of Florence is a strategic board game where players aim to score the most victory points (VPs) by attracting artists and scholars to their palaces. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the scoring system:
1. Work Phase Scoring:
- Basic Work Value: The work value is determined by the type of professional (either artist or scholar) in the player’s palace. This value is then multiplied by the number of appropriate buildings for that professional.
- Prestige Card Bonus: If a player has a Prestige Card that matches the type of professional, they earn bonus VPs. The number of bonus VPs is indicated on the card.
- Jester Bonus: Each Jester a player has increases the work value by 1.
2. End of Game Scoring:
- Remaining Money: Players convert their remaining money into VPs at a rate of 200 Florins to 1 VP.
- Buildings: Each building in a player’s principality is worth 3 VPs.
- Freedom of Action: Each unused Freedom of Action is worth 3 VPs.
- Prestige Cards: Each Prestige Card is worth the VPs indicated on the card.
- Professionals: Each professional is worth the VPs indicated on the card.
- Landscapes: Each landscape is worth 2 VPs.
3. Tie-Breaking Rules:
In the event of a tie, the following rules are applied, in order, until the tie is broken:
- The player with the most remaining money wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most buildings wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most unused Freedom of Actions wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most Prestige Cards wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most professionals wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most landscapes wins.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
The Princes of Florence is a strategic board game that requires players to understand a number of rare or special rules, exceptions, and clarifications. As an expert in board game rules, the following are key points to keep in mind when playing this game:
1. The Auction Phase:
In the auction phase, the active player must make a bid or pass. Once a player passes, they are out of the auction for that round. However, a player cannot pass if they have not yet won an auction in the current round. Importantly, the privilege cards are an exception to this rule: a player can win multiple privilege cards in the same round.
2. The Actions Phase:
During the actions phase, players can take two actions. The options available are: buying a building, buying a landscape, buying a freedom, recruiting a professional, or playing an activity card. It’s notable that a player cannot perform the same action twice in the same round.
3. The Jester Card:
The jester card is unique in that it allows the player to add or subtract 1 from the value of a profession card before it is played. This can be especially useful when trying to meet the requirements of a work.
- Building Placement: Buildings must be placed on the player’s estate immediately after purchase and cannot be moved once placed. The placement of the buildings is strategic as it can affect the success of the works produced.
- Work Value: The work value is the sum of the profession card’s value, plus bonuses for matching landscapes and/or freedom markers, plus the value of any jesters used. The work value is important as it determines whether the work can be produced and how much it is worth.
- End of Game: The game ends after the seventh round. At this point, players calculate their final scores by adding points from works produced, prestige points, and any bonus points from privilege cards. The player with the highest score wins.
4. Rule Clarifications:
- During the auction, if a player has won a privilege card, they may still bid during the current round, but they may not win another privilege card.
- If a player is unable to or chooses not to produce a work during a round, they may still perform two actions during the action phase.
- A player may choose to recruit a professional even if they already have a professional of the same type on their estate. In this case, the new professional replaces the old one.
- If a player uses a jester to increase the value of a work, the jester card is discarded after use.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
The Princes of Florence is a complex strategy board game that requires careful planning and strategic thinking. Here are some useful tips and strategies to help you master the game:
Advanced Strategies:
- Pay Attention to Auctions: The auction phase is crucial in this game. Make sure you have a clear strategy and know what you need before you enter an auction. Do not be afraid to bid high if you really need something.
- Balance Your Actions: It’s essential to strike a balance between buying buildings, landscapes, and recruiting professionals. Too much focus on one aspect can undermine your game.
- Use Jesters Wisely: Jesters can be a game-changer if used correctly. They can increase your work’s value and give you a significant advantage.
Beginner Tips:
- Understand the Scoring System: As a beginner, the scoring system might seem complex. Spend some time understanding how works are scored.
- Plan Your Moves: The Princes of Florence is not a game you can win without planning. Try to plan your moves a few turns in advance.
- Don’t Ignore Prestige Cards: Prestige cards can give you bonus points. Don’t ignore them, especially in the later stages of the game.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
- Spending Too Much on Auctions: It’s easy to get carried away in the auction phase and spend too much. Always keep in mind your budget and end goal.
- Ignoring Works: Works are the main source of points in the game. Ignoring them can cost you the game.
- Not Utilizing Freedom: Freedom can increase the value of your works. Not utilizing it is a common mistake many players make.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay:
- Practice: Like any strategy game, the best way to improve is to practice. The more you play, the better you will understand the game’s intricacies.
- Try Different Strategies: Don’t stick to just one strategy. Try different approaches to see what works best for you.
- Learn From Others: If you’re playing with more experienced players, observe their strategies and tactics. You can learn a lot from them.