Join the exciting adventure of Tobago! Use treasure maps, clues and strategic play to uncover hidden treasures. With 32 island arrangements, every game is a new quest!
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About the game
Tobago is an enchanting board game that transports players to a mystical island rife with hidden treasures just waiting to be discovered. Striking a balance between strategy and chance, this game is set in a gorgeous tropical landscape where players put on the hats of intrepid adventurers in a thrilling treasure hunt.
The game’s setting is visually compelling, featuring lush forests, sun-drenched beaches, and mysterious ancient ruins. The modular board consists of different hexagonal terrain tiles, adding a unique element of variety and replayability as the island’s layout changes every game.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
In the board game ‘Tobago’, there are many components that work together to create an immersive and interactive gaming experience. Each has a unique role and interaction within the game.
1. Game Board:
The game board is a modular board that represents the island of Tobago. It consists of three double-sided sections, which can be arranged in different ways to create a unique island for each game. The game board is where players move their ATVs and where the treasures are located.
2. ATVs:
There are 4 All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs), one for each player. Players use their ATVs to move around the island, explore, and participate in treasure hunts. Each player can move his or her ATV up to three spaces per turn.
3. Treasure Cards:
These are the cards that represent the treasures players seek. Each treasure card has a different value – the higher the value, the more valuable the treasure. When a player finds a treasure, they draw a treasure card to determine its value.
4. Clue Cards:
Clue cards are used to narrow down the possible locations of the treasures. They provide hints about the treasure’s location, such as “The treasure is not on a mountain” or “The treasure is near water”. Players play clue cards to guide their search for the treasures.
5. Palm Trees, Huts, and Statues:
These are the physical features of the island. The game board has spaces for palm trees, huts, and statues. These features can be used as references in clue cards. For example, a clue card might say “The treasure is near a statue”.
6. Amulet Tokens:
Amulet tokens are special tokens that provide players with special abilities. For example, an amulet token might allow a player to move extra spaces, or to draw extra treasure cards. Players can find amulet tokens by visiting the locations on the game board that have an amulet symbol.
7. Treasure Markers:
There are four treasure markers, each corresponding to a specific color of clue card. When players play a clue card, they place the corresponding treasure marker on the game board to indicate the possible location of the treasure.
- Game Board: Used for movement and treasure location.
- ATVs: Used for player movement.
- Treasure Cards: Represent the value of found treasures.
- Clue Cards: Guide players in their treasure hunt.
- Palm Trees, Huts, and Statues: Act as physical features and references in clues.
- Amulet Tokens: Provide special abilities to players.
- Treasure Markers: Indicate possible treasure locations.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Tobago is an adventure board game where players explore an island and recover long lost treasures. Here is a step-by-step guide to setting up the game:
Step 1: Place the Game Board
Place the three island segments in the middle of the table. You can arrange them how you like, but they should always form a triangle.
Step 2: Set Up the Statues
Randomly place the four statues on the specified spaces on the game board. The spaces are marked with the statue icon.
Step 3: Place the Huts
Place one hut on each of the twelve hut spaces on the game board. These are marked with the hut icon.
Step 4: Distribute the Amulets
Randomly place one amulet on each of the eight amulet spaces on the game board. These are marked with the amulet icon.
Step 5: Prepare the Treasure Chests
Place the four treasure chests beside the game board. Shuffle the treasure cards and place them face down as a draw pile next to the treasure chests.
Step 6: Set Up the Clue Cards
Separate the clue cards into three piles according to their backside, shuffle each pile separately, and place them face down next to the game board.
Step 7: Prepare Player Materials
Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding jeep, treasure cards, and palm trees. The players place their jeeps in the starting spaces marked with their color. They also receive one treasure card from each of the three piles. The palm trees are placed next to the game board.
Step 8: Decide the Starting Player
Randomly decide who starts the game. That player gets the starting player amulet.
Step 9: Prepare the Treasure Markers
Place the treasure markers in a pile next to the game board. They will be used to mark the potential locations of the treasures.
Now that you’ve set up the board, you’re ready to start the game of Tobago!
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
The game of ‘Tobago’ is a thrilling adventure where players participate in a treasure hunt on a tropical island. The turn of a player in ‘Tobago’ consists of several strategic choices, each of which can significantly affect the overall gameplay. Here’s a detailed breakdown of a player’s turn:
1. Play a card:
Each player has a set of clue cards that help narrow down the location of the treasure. A player can play a card in their turn to any of the treasure maps. However, the clue must be valid and not contradict any previously played clues for that treasure.
2. Move their ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle):
A player can move their ATV up to 3 spaces on the board. This movement can be on any terrain except water. The player can choose to stop at any point during this movement. The ATV enables the player to reach the treasure locations or statues faster.
3. Reveal a treasure:
If a player’s ATV is on a space where a treasure is located, the player can choose to reveal the treasure. The player must remember that revealing a treasure ends their turn immediately, but it also enables them to get the first pick of the treasure cards.
4. Reload cards:
Instead of taking an action, a player can choose to reload cards. This means they can draw new clue cards to replace the ones they’ve already used. This can be a strategic choice when the player requires new clues to find the treasures.
The strategic choices come into play when deciding which treasure to pursue, whether to move closer to a treasure, or whether to reload cards for future turns. The decision to reveal a treasure is particularly crucial as it can give a player the advantage of first pick, but it also ends their turn, potentially providing opportunities for their opponents. Thus, each action that a player takes during their turn can significantly affect the outcome of the game.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
The game of ‘Tobago’ ends when the last treasure is found and divided among the players. The treasure cards in the game are limited and once they are all used, the game comes to a conclusion. This marks the end of the game and players now prepare for final scoring.
Victory Conditions:
The objective of ‘Tobago’ is to collect the most valuable treasures. The player with the highest total value of treasure cards at the end of the game is declared the winner. There are no additional victory conditions.
Actions before Final Scoring:
Before final scoring takes place, there are a few actions players must take:
- Final Treasure Division: If any treasures were found during the last round of the game, they must be divided among the players based on their contributions to the treasure map.
- Count Remaining Amulets: Players should count the number of amulets they have left. Each amulet is worth one point.
- Count Remaining Treasure Cards: Players should total the value of all their treasure cards. Each card will have a value between 2 and 6.
- Play Final Curse Cards: If a player has a curse card, it must be played before final scoring. This may force another player to lose a treasure card.
Once these actions are complete, each player adds up the total value of their treasure cards and the number of amulets they have left. The player with the highest overall total is declared the winner of ‘Tobago’.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
‘Tobago’ Scoring System
‘Tobago’ is a thrilling board game of treasure hunting and adventure. The key to winning the game is to accumulate the most points, which players can earn in various ways.
Scoring Points:
- Discovering a Treasure: Whenever a player discovers a treasure, they earn points equivalent to the treasure’s value. The value of each treasure is determined by the Treasure Cards drawn.
- Participating in a Treasure Hunt: Players also earn points by participating in treasure hunts. Points are awarded based on the number of clue cards the player contributed to the hunt. The more clue cards a player contributes, the more points they receive.
- Ancient Masks: If a player uncovers an Ancient Mask card when drawing Treasure Cards, they receive bonus points. Each Ancient Mask card is worth 5 points.
Tie-breaking Rules:
In the event of a tie at the end of the game, the tie-breaking rules are applied:
- The player with the most treasures wins: The player who has found the most treasures during the game is the winner.
- The player with the most Ancient Masks wins: If there is still a tie, the player who has found the most Ancient Masks wins the game.
- The player with the most clue cards wins: If there is still a tie, the player who has the most clue cards in their possession wins the game.
Remember, the objective of ‘Tobago’ is not just to find treasures, but to strategize and plan your moves to maximize your points. Happy treasure hunting!
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
‘Tobago’ is an exciting, interactive board game where players embark on a thrilling treasure hunt. While the game is generally straightforward, there are several rare or special rules and exceptions that players should be aware of:
1. The Curse Card:
- When a player draws a curse card during a treasure distribution, the distribution is immediately halted. The player may protect themselves using an amulet card (if they have one).
- If the curse card is not blocked, all remaining treasure cards, including the curse card, are discarded.
2. The Hut Rule:
- In a 4-player game, if all huts are on the game board, a player who wants to place a hut must remove one of their own huts from the board and return it to their supply. No special actions (e.g., taking an amulet or treasure card) are performed in this case.
3. Statue Cards:
- Statue cards are a special kind of treasure card. They can be collected to gain additional points at the end of the game. The points are awarded based on the number of statue cards a player owns.
4. The Amulet Rule:
- Players can use amulets to protect themselves from curse cards, take another turn, or remove a hut from the game board. A player can use as many amulets as they want during their turn, but each amulet can only be used once.
5. End of the Game:
- The game ends when the last treasure is found or when the last treasure card is drawn (even if there are still clue cards left in the game).
- Players then add up their points from treasures and statue cards to determine the winner.
Note: It’s important to play ‘Tobago’ in a spirit of exploration and fun. The game rules may seem complex at first, but after a few rounds, players usually find the game intuitive and engaging. Happy hunting!
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Tobago is a fun and exciting board game that requires strategic thinking and planning. Here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to optimize gameplay.
Advanced Strategies:
- Clue Placement: As a more experienced player, you should use your clue cards to influence the location of treasures to areas you can reach more easily. Try to place clues that narrow down the possible locations to areas you can get to first.
- Manage Your Amulets: Use your amulets wisely. They can be used to avoid negative effects, take another turn immediately or to place a second clue card. Make sure you use them strategically to gain an advantage over other players.
- Keep An Eye On Other Players: Always be aware of the moves of other players. You can often predict where treasures will be found based on the clues they place. Use this information to your advantage.
Beginner Tips:
- Learn The Rules: Before you start playing, make sure you understand the rules of the game. This will help you make strategic decisions and avoid common mistakes.
- Start Simple: At first, focus on understanding how clue cards work and how they can be used to locate treasures. Once you’re comfortable with this, you can start thinking about more complex strategies.
- Pay Attention To Clue Cards: Always keep in mind the clues that have already been placed. This will help you narrow down the possible locations of treasures.
Common Mistakes To Avoid:
- Ignoring Other Players: Don’t just focus on your own game. Pay attention to what other players are doing and try to predict their moves.
- Misusing Amulets: Amulets are a powerful resource, but they should be used strategically. Don’t waste them on unnecessary actions.
- Forgetting The Goal: Remember, the goal of the game is to collect the most valuable treasures. Don’t get distracted by trying to reach every possible location.
Ways To Optimize Gameplay:
- Plan Ahead: Always think a few moves ahead. Consider where you want to go, what clues you want to place, and what actions other players might take.
- Use Your Resources Wisely: Make the most of your amulets and clue cards. Use them strategically to gain an advantage over other players.
- Stay Flexible: The game can change quickly, so be ready to adapt your strategy if necessary. Don’t stick rigidly to a plan if it’s not working.