Space Alert
Space Alert, a dynamic board game where players become spaceship crew members, battling space threats in real time for their survival. Enjoy different difficulty levels and unique experiences with every game.
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About the game
Space Alert is a thrilling, cooperative real-time board game created by designer Vlaada Chvátil. In this game, you and your team are tasked with the monumental responsibility of defending a sitting duck spaceship from the lurking dangers of the unexplored universe.
The game’s theme and setting are truly encapsulating. You are aboard the Sitting Duck, a reconnaissance spaceship with a mission to probe and collect data from different sectors of the galaxy. The ship is equipped with all the necessary systems to protect itself. However, these systems are not automated, and that’s where you and your team come in. The team comprises of 1-5 space explorers, each with specific roles to play in ensuring the safety of the spaceship.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Space Alert is a cooperative team survival game. Players become crew members of a small spaceship scanning dangerous sectors of the galaxy. The missions last just 10 real-time minutes (hyperspace jump, sector scan, hyperspace jump back) and the only task the players have is to protect their ship.
The game box of Space Alert comes packed with a number of different components, each having a specific role in the gameplay. Here is a list of these components and their respective roles:
- 1 Spaceship Board: This is the main game board that represents the spaceship. It is divided into several sections, each corresponding to different parts of the spaceship such as the bridge, the central reactor, and more. Players move their characters around on this board to perform actions.
- 10 Action Cards for each player: These cards represent different actions that the player characters can take during the game, such as moving, shooting, or activating shields. Players use these cards to plan their actions for each round.
- 7 Plastic astronaut figures: These figures represent the players’ characters in the game. They are used to mark the players’ current locations on the spaceship board.
- 1 CD with 10-minute soundtracks: This is used to time the game rounds and provide audio clues for the players about incoming threats. The CD contains several different tracks for variety and increasing difficulty.
- 90 Threat Cards: These cards represent various threats that the spaceship can encounter, such as enemy ships or space monsters. The cards are drawn at the cues from the soundtrack and placed on the game board.
- 55 Game Cards: These cards provide additional game elements such as internal threats and additional actions. They are drawn randomly and can add unexpected twists to the game.
- 6 Double-sided threat boards: These boards provide detailed information about each threat, such as their hit points, damage, and special abilities. They are used in conjunction with the threat cards.
- 16 six-sided dice: These dice are used to resolve actions and combat in the game. Each player rolls dice to determine the success of their actions.
- Counters and markers: These are used to track various game elements such as damage to the spaceship, energy levels, and threat positions. They help players keep track of the current game state.
- 1 Rulebook: This book contains all the rules and instructions on how to play the game. It provides detailed explanations of all the game components and their usage.
In Space Alert, all these components interact with each other to create a dynamic and exciting game experience. Players must work together, plan their actions carefully, and adapt to changing situations in order to survive and complete their mission.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Space Alert is an exciting cooperative board game that requires teamwork, strategy, and quick thinking. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the set-up process, including player roles, board placement, initial resources, and any random elements.
Step 1: Setting up the Game Board
Place the Spaceship Board in the middle of the playing area for all players to reach. The board represents your spaceship, which you must defend during the course of the game. There are six different sections in the spaceship: three on the upper deck and three on the lower deck.
Step 2: Preparing the Cards
Shuffle the Threat Cards and place them face down in a pile. These cards represent the threats that you will encounter during your mission. Separate the Action Cards into as many piles as there are players, making sure each pile has an equal amount of cards. Each player will take one pile. These cards represent the actions that players can perform during their turn.
Step 3: Setting up the Resource Tracks
Place the Energy Blocks on their corresponding positions on the energy track on the spaceship board. The Damage Cubes should be placed near the board, ready to mark any damage that the spaceship takes.
Step 4: Assigning Player Roles
There are four different roles in Space Alert: Captain, Communications Officer, Security Officer, and Chief Engineer. Each player randomly selects a role and takes the corresponding Role Card. The roles have different responsibilities and abilities that can influence the outcome of the game.
- Captain: Responsible for the overall strategy and coordination of the team.
- Communications Officer: Keeps track of incoming threats and helps coordinate player actions.
- Security Officer: Focuses on defending the spaceship from internal threats.
- Chief Engineer: Manages the spaceship’s energy resources and repairs any damage.
Step 5: Preparing the Threat Track
Place the Threat Tokens on the threat track on the spaceship board. The positioning of these tokens determines the order in which threats will appear during the game. The exact number of tokens and their position on the track should be determined randomly.
Step 6: Beginning the Game
Once all the elements are set up, you are ready to start your mission. Remember, communication and teamwork are key in Space Alert. Good luck, crew!
Game flow Round and round we go
Space Alert is a real-time cooperative board game where players work together to defend their spaceship against various threats. The game is divided into two main phases: the Action Phase and the Resolution Phase.
In the Action Phase, players plan their actions in real-time. This phase includes the following steps:
- Threat Announcement: A series of audio tracks announces the threats that will appear during the round. Players need to listen carefully and communicate effectively to plan their actions.
- Planning Actions: Players use their action cards to decide what actions they will take. Actions can include moving around the ship, using the ship’s systems, or battling threats. Players have a limited amount of time to plan their actions, adding a sense of urgency and excitement to the game.
Once the Action Phase is complete, the game moves into the Resolution Phase. This phase involves:
- Perform Actions: The players’ planned actions are carried out in the order they were planned. Actions include moving, using the ship’s systems, and combat. The success of these actions often depends on the players’ ability to coordinate their plans.
- Resolve Threats: After all actions have been performed, the threats are resolved. If the spaceship has suffered damage, it may lose functionality or even be destroyed.
- Scoring: At the end of the game, players receive points based on how well they defended their spaceship. The game is won if the spaceship survives all threats.
Throughout the game, communication and teamwork are key. Players must work together to plan their actions, coordinate their movements, and defend their spaceship from threats. A successful game of Space Alert requires strategic planning, quick thinking, and effective communication.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
In Space Alert, a cooperative team survival game, each player’s turn is filled with strategic decisions and actions that affect the overall gameplay. Here is a comprehensive breakdown of what happens during a player’s turn:
1. Threat Phase:
The first part of a player’s turn is known as the Threat Phase. During this phase:
- Players listen to the audio track which alerts them to the incoming threats.
- Each player must devise a plan to deal with these threats, discussing strategies with teammates.
2. Action Phase:
Next is the Action Phase. Here’s what happens:
- Players simultaneously play their Action cards in 10-minute increments, deciding what actions their characters will take and in which order.
- These actions could include moving around the ship, firing weapons, recharging shields, or dealing with internal threats.
- It’s important for players to coordinate their actions with their teammates in order to effectively deal with threats.
3. Resolution Phase:
Finally, the Resolution Phase takes place. During this phase:
- Players resolve their actions in the order they were planned.
- If an action cannot be performed due to a change in circumstances (for instance, if the character was supposed to move to a section of the ship that has since been destroyed), the action is wasted.
- The threats are then resolved, potentially dealing damage to the ship.
- If the ship survives, the team wins. If not, the game is lost.
A player’s turn in Space Alert is filled with strategic opportunities and decision-making. Each decision a player makes can drastically affect the outcome of the game, making it a thrilling and unpredictable experience.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
Space Alert is a cooperative team survival game. Players are crew members of a small spaceship scanning dangerous sectors of the galaxy. The game ends when the players have navigated through all 10 rounds, each round representing a minute of real time. The crew’s objective is to defend the ship until the mission ends.
Victory Conditions: In order to claim victory in Space Alert, players must ensure the following:
- The ship must have at least one point of remaining structural integrity.
- None of the players should be knocked out for an extended period of time.
- All threats must be neutralized or survived until the end of the mission.
After the end of the 10th round, players must undertake the resolution phase to determine the final outcome of the game. This is achieved through the following steps:
- Reveal and Resolve Actions: Players reveal their action cards in the order of the timeline. Actions are resolved in sequence, taking into consideration the effects of threats and the status of the ship.
- Threat Resolution: Players resolve threat cards that have been revealed. If a threat is neutralized, it is removed from the game. If not, the threat may cause damage to the ship.
- Damage Assessment: Any unresolved threats or pending damage to the ship is resolved. This may cause a reduction in the ship’s structural integrity.
- Final Scoring: If the ship’s structural integrity is at one or above and all players are active, the team wins the game. The score is calculated based on the ship’s remaining structural integrity, any remaining threats, and the successful completion of the mission.
If the ship’s structural integrity drops to zero at any point in the game, or if all players are knocked out, the game ends immediately and the players lose.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
Space Alert is a cooperative survival game where players work together to protect their spaceship against various dangers. The scoring system in Space Alert is based on successfully completing missions and dealing with threats. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the scoring system:
1. Completion of Mission:
- If the team successfully completes the mission, each player is awarded 10 points.
2. Dealing with Threats:
- For each external threat neutralized, the team earns 3 points.
- For each internal threat neutralized, the team earns 5 points.
- If any threat is not neutralized and reaches the red zone of the trajectory, it subtracts its danger value from the team’s score.
3. Damages to the Spaceship:
- If the spaceship suffers any damage, points are deducted from the team’s score. The specific deductions are as follows:
- For each damage to the ship’s systems, subtract 1 point.
- For each damage to the ship’s structure, subtract 2 points.
4. Unresolved Threats:
- For each unresolved threat at the end of the game, subtract its danger value from the team’s score.
Tie-Breaking Rules:
In the event of a tie, the game uses the following tie-breaking rules:
- The team with the least amount of damage to the spaceship wins.
- If there is still a tie, the team that neutralized the most threats wins.
- If there is still a tie, the team that used the least actions to neutralize threats wins.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
‘Space Alert’ is a cooperative team survival game where players become crew members of a small spaceship exploring dangerous sectors of the galaxy. The game is unique in its use of ‘real-time’ elements. Here are some rare or special rules, exceptions, and rule clarifications that you might find important:
Real-Time Phase:
The Real-Time phase of the game is timed and lasts exactly 10 minutes. During this phase, players must work together to defend the ship against various threats. Once the time is up, no more actions can be taken.
Threat Cards:
Threat cards represent various dangers that can harm the spaceship. Each threat card has a time marker which determines when the threat will occur. If a threat is not dealt with before its time marker is reached, it will cause damage to the spaceship.
Not all threats are equal. Some threats can be more harmful than others. The severity of a threat is indicated by the number of red icons on the card.
Communications Down:
During certain points in the game, communications can be lost. When this happens, players cannot communicate with each other about their actions or plans until communications are restored. This can make coordinating actions more difficult.
Damage and Repairs:
When the spaceship takes damage, players must spend actions to repair it. If the spaceship takes too much damage, it can be destroyed, resulting in a loss for all players.
Some damage can cause system failures, which can make certain actions or areas of the ship unavailable until repairs are made.
Player Actions:
Players have a limited number of actions they can take each turn. Actions can include moving around the spaceship, fighting off threats, repairing damage, and more.
It’s important to note that players must declare their actions in advance during the Real-Time phase and then perform them in order during the Resolution phase. This means players must plan ahead and coordinate their actions with each other.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced Strategies for Space Alert
1. Division of Labor: Efficiently distribute tasks among team members. There are many things to do in a short amount of time, so coordination is crucial. Have some players focus on internal threats while others handle external ones.
2. Energy Management: Always keep an eye on the energy levels. You should always have enough energy to power the shields, fire weapons, and maintain the ship’s systems.
3. Use of BattleBots: Make use of BattleBots effectively. They can handle internal threats and free up crew members to deal with other problems.
Beginner Tips for Space Alert
- Communication is Key: Always communicate with your team. Discuss what you plan on doing each turn and make sure your actions don’t conflict with others.
- Practice Makes Perfect: The more you play, the better you’ll get. Don’t be discouraged if you lose a few games at first. It’s all part of the learning curve.
- Stay Calm: The game is designed to put pressure on the players. Stay calm, think clearly, and you’ll make better decisions.
Common Mistakes to Avoid in Space Alert
- Ignoring Threats: Never ignore a threat. Even small threats can cause significant damage if left unchecked.
- Energy Mismanagement: Don’t use up all your energy too quickly. It’s important to balance your energy usage.
- Not Utilizing All Resources: Make sure to utilize all your resources, including BattleBots and special actions.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay in Space Alert
1. Team Coordination: Always work as a team. Coordinate your actions and make sure everyone knows their role.
2. Strategic Planning: Plan your moves strategically. Don’t just react to threats, anticipate them.
3. Efficient Resource Use: Utilize your resources efficiently. Make sure to distribute energy and tasks evenly among the team.