Acquire is an enthralling strategy game where players invest, merge businesses, and trade stocks. A classic game of wealth accumulation and clever tactics!
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About the game
Welcome to the world of Acquire, a classic board game that takes you into the high-stakes world of corporate finance and real estate. In this game, players strategically invest in businesses, trying to cultivate and merge them at the right time to earn the most profit. The game demands strategic thinking, the ability to anticipate opponents’ moves, and a knack for making the most out of your investments.
Set against the backdrop of a dynamic and ever-changing business landscape, Acquire lets you step into the shoes of a budding entrepreneur. Your aim? To outsmart your opponents and build the biggest business empire. The game board represents a cityscape with 108 square spaces. Each space represents potential real estate for hotels, which are the businesses in this game.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Acquire is an exciting strategic board game that involves hotel chains, shares, and mergers. The game’s objective is to accumulate the most wealth. The components included in the game are:
1. Game Board: The centerpiece of the game, the board, is a 9×12 grid of squares where players will place their tiles. Each square corresponds to a letter-number combination that matches the tiles. The game board’s interaction is fundamental as it dictates where hotel chains can form and expand.
2. Hotel Chain Markers: There are seven different hotel chain markers, each representing a different hotel chain. Players use these to mark the beginning and growth of hotel chains on the board. They help players visualize the size and presence of the various hotel chains across the board.
3. Stock Certificates: These are divided into seven sets, each matching one of the hotel chains. Players can purchase these during their turn to invest in the corresponding hotel chain. Owning these certificates allows players to gain money when a merger occurs and the hotel chain they invested in is the dominant chain.
4. Share Price Chart: This chart determines the price of stocks and payouts during mergers. The price of a stock and the payout depends on the size of the hotel chain.
5. Tiles: The game includes 108 tiles, each marked with a unique letter-number combination that corresponds to a square on the game board. Players use these tiles to grow hotel chains.
6. Money: Money is used to keep track of each player’s wealth. The player with the most money at the end of the game wins. It changes hands primarily through the purchase and sale of stocks.
7. Information Cards: These cards provide a quick reference for players, outlining the stock prices for each hotel chain based on its current size and the payout for minority and majority holdings in a merged hotel chain.
Every component in Acquire interacts closely with the others, creating a complex web of strategic decisions for players. Whether it’s choosing where to place a tile, which stocks to buy, or when to sell, each decision can have a significant impact on the game’s outcome.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Acquire is a classic board game that allows players to buy, trade, and plan a strategy to accumulate wealth. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up the game:
Step 1: Unpacking the Game Components
Start by unpacking the game components which include a game board, hotel tiles, share cards for each hotel chain, money, and information cards.
Step 2: Setting up the Game Board
Unfold the game board and place it in the center of the playing area. The game board is a 9×12 grid with each space representing a potential hotel site.
Step 3: Sorting the Hotel Tiles
Shuffle all the hotel tiles and place them face down. Each player then draws six tiles. The players can look at their own tiles but should keep them hidden from other players.
Step 4: Distributing Initial Resources
Each player receives a starting capital of $6000. The money should be divided into $1000, $5000 and $10000 denominations.
Step 5: Setting up the Stock Market
Separate the share cards for each hotel chain and place them next to the board. These will be used by players to buy shares in the different hotel chains.
Step 6: Determining the Starting Player
The youngest player goes first. Play then continues clockwise around the table.
Step 7: Beginning the Game
On their turn, a player can perform three actions: place a tile on the board, buy up to three shares, and draw a new tile. The goal of the game is to make the most money by strategically buying and selling shares in the growing hotel chains.
Note: The game involves a lot of strategy, so it’s important to think carefully about each move. Happy playing!
Game flow Round and round we go
Acquire is a strategic board game that requires careful planning and decision-making. The game is played in a series of rounds, with each round consisting of several phases. Here is a detailed explanation of the game structure:
Setup Phase:
- Each player receives a starting capital of $6,000.
- The game board is placed in the middle of the table. It is a grid of 108 squares (9×12).
- Each player draws a tile from the bag and places it face up on the corresponding square on the board.
Player’s Turn:
Each turn consists of three actions:
- Draw a Tile: At the start of their turn, the player draws a tile from the bag.
- Place a Tile: The player then places a tile from their hand onto the corresponding square on the board. If the placed tile is adjacent to another tile, they form a hotel chain. If it’s adjacent to two or more chains, the player must decide which chain to extend.
- Buy Stock: After placing a tile, the player has the option to buy up to three stocks from any existing hotel chain on the board. They must have enough money to buy the stocks at their current price. The player’s turn ends after this action.
When a tile is placed that connects two hotel chains, a merger occurs. The larger chain acquires the smaller one. The active player decides in case of a tie. During a merger:
- Majority and Minority Bonuses: The players with the most and second most shares in the defunct chain receive bonuses. Ties are beneficial to the players involved. They split the total of the majority and minority bonuses.
- Dispose of Shares: Shareholders of the defunct chain can sell their shares for the current price, trade them 2-for-1 for shares in the acquiring chain or keep them in case the chain is started again.
End of the Game:
The game ends when every chain on the board is safe (cannot be acquired because it comprises 11 or more tiles) or when one chain has grown to 41 or more tiles. Players then liquidate their shares and add the money to their cash on hand. The player with the most money (cash and bonuses) wins.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
In the board game ‘Acquire’, each player’s turn consists of several possible actions, all of which can have strategic implications that affect the overall gameplay. Here is a comprehensive breakdown of what happens during a player’s turn:
1. Play a Tile
At the start of each turn, the player must place one tile from their hand onto the matching space on the board. This action is mandatory. The placement of the tile can create or expand a hotel chain, or trigger a merger of two or more hotel chains, leading to different strategic possibilities.
2. Found a Chain
If the player places a tile that is not adjacent to any other tiles, they can choose to found a new hotel chain. This decision can impact the game significantly as founding a new chain allows the player to purchase a free share of stock in that chain. The player can only do this if there are available hotel chains that are not currently on the board.
3. Buy Stocks
After placing a tile and resolving any chain creations or mergers, the player may buy up to three stocks in any active hotel chains. Stocks increase in value as the hotel chain expands, and players with the most stocks in a chain can receive bonuses when the chain is eventually sold. Buying stocks is an optional action but plays a crucial role in the player’s overall strategy.
4. Draw a New Tile
At the end of their turn, the player draws a new tile to replace the one they played. This is a mandatory action and the new tile can influence the player’s future strategic decisions.
5. Merge Chains
If a player places a tile that connects two or more hotel chains, a merger occurs. The player who caused the merger decides which chain survives. The surviving chain absorbs the others, and the players with the most and second-most stocks in the defunct chains receive bonuses. The remaining stocks can be sold, traded for stocks in the surviving chain, or held onto in case the chain is recreated later in the game.
Each player’s turn in ‘Acquire’ offers a myriad of strategic choices that can significantly affect the gameplay. Smart tile placement, wise stock investments, and timely mergers can lead a player to victory.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
The board game ‘Acquire’ ends when the first player declares that there are no more corporations that can be formed because either all corporations are on the board, or there are no more available corporation tiles. This declaration can be made at the start of a player’s turn, just before they draw and place their tile.
Victory Conditions:
The ultimate goal in ‘Acquire’ is to have the most money at the end of the game. This is achieved by investing in and managing corporations. At the end of the game, the player with the highest total assets (cash in hand plus the value of any remaining stock) is declared the winner.
Actions Players Must Take Before Final Scoring:
- Declare End of Game: The first step towards ending the game is for a player to declare that no more corporations can be formed. This can happen at the start of a player’s turn, before they draw and place a tile.
- Resolve Outstanding Corporations: If there are any corporations still active on the board when the game ends, they must be resolved. This happens in the order of smallest to largest. Each corporation’s majority and minority shareholders are paid out according to the corporation’s current share price.
- Sell Remaining Stock: After all corporations have been resolved, players sell any remaining stocks they hold for their current value. This includes stocks from corporations that were never active on the board.
- Final Calculation: Once all stocks have been sold, players count their cash. The player with the most cash (including the value of their sold stocks) is declared the winner.
If there is a tie in cash at the end of the game, the player with the most remaining stock wins. If there is still a tie, the player who declared the end of the game wins.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
Acquire is a strategic board game in which players purchase stock in various companies and aim to have the majority of shares in a company at the time of its merger or at the end of the game. The scoring system in Acquire is based on these shares and the type of company a player invests in. Here is a detailed explanation of how points are awarded and the tie-breaking rules:
Points Awarded:
During Mergers: When two companies merge, the player with the majority shares in the disappearing company receives a bonus payout. The player with the second most shares also gets a smaller bonus. All players can then sell their shares, trade them for shares in the surviving company, or keep them for later.
At the End of the Game: If a company on the board reaches a size of 41 or more tiles, or every company on the board is safe from being taken over (11 or more tiles), the game ends. Players receive payouts for their shares based on the final size of the company.
Tie-Breaking Rules:
In Mergers: If two or more players share the majority or minority during a merger, the bonuses are added together and split evenly among the tied players (rounded down).
At the End of the Game: In the event of a tie at the end of the game, the player with the most cash on hand wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the most total shares wins. If a tie persists, the winner is determined by a random draw.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Acquire is a strategic board game developed by Sid Sackson, where players invest in businesses, trying to retain a majority of stock. Despite its apparent simplicity, it has a number of special rules and exceptions that can greatly affect the gameplay. Here are some of them:
1. Formation of a Corporation:
Whenever two or more single tiles are joined together, a corporation is formed. The player who does this gets one free share of stock in that corporation. However, if all seven corporations are already in play, no new corporations can be formed.
2. Merging Corporations:
When a tile is placed adjacent to two or more corporations, the larger corporation absorbs the smaller one. If they are of the same size, the player placing the tile decides which one survives. The players holding the most and second most shares in the defunct corporation receive bonuses.
3. Buying Stocks:
On their turn, a player can buy up to three shares of stock in any corporation that is currently on the board. However, there are only 25 shares available for each corporation. When all shares are sold, no more can be purchased until some are sold or traded.
4. Safe and Endangered Corporations:
A corporation with 11 or more tiles is considered ‘safe’, meaning it cannot be absorbed by another corporation. Corporations with fewer tiles are ‘endangered’ and can be absorbed if they are adjacent to a larger corporation.
5. End of the Game:
The game ends when either one corporation reaches 41 tiles or every corporation on the board is safe. At this point, each player liquidates their stocks, receiving money for them based on the size of the corporation they are in. The player with the most money, including what they have in hand and what they receive from liquidating their stocks, wins the game.
6. Rule Clarifications:
- During a merger, if there is a tie for the majority or minority bonuses, the tied players add together the bonus for their position and the next position, and then divide the total equally.
- Players may not hide their cash or their stock holdings from other players. The number of remaining shares in the bank is also public knowledge.
- If the bank runs out of cash, the players should use some other method to keep track of their earnings.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced Strategies for ‘Acquire’
1. Establishing Diversification: An essential strategy in ‘Acquire’ is to diversify your investments. Don’t put all your stocks in one company. Instead, spread them across several. This way, if one of your companies is taken over, you can still earn dividends from the other companies.
2. Early Investments: Another strategy is to buy stocks in smaller companies early in the game. These stocks are usually cheaper, and if these companies grow or get acquired, you can make a significant profit.
3. Forced Mergers: If possible, try to force a merger between companies where you own the majority of the stocks. This strategy will allow you to cash out your stocks at a higher price.
Beginner Tips
1. Understanding the Game: As a beginner, the first step is to understand the game mechanics. Spend some time understanding how companies grow, merge, and pay dividends.
2. Safe Investments: Initially, focus on making safe investments. Buy stocks in larger, more stable companies until you get a feel for the game.
3. Learning from Others: Watch how experienced players play the game. You can learn a lot from their strategies and tactics.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
1. Over-Investing in a Single Company: A common mistake is investing too heavily in a single company. This strategy can backfire if the company is taken over or fails to grow.
2. Ignoring Smaller Companies: Don’t ignore smaller companies. They may be cheap to invest in, and if they grow or get acquired, you can make a substantial profit.
3. Not Planning for Mergers: Always be prepared for potential mergers. If you own stocks in a company that is likely to be acquired, consider selling your stocks before the merger.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay
1. Strategic Investments: Make strategic investments based on the game’s current state. If a company is growing rapidly, invest in it. If a merger is likely, sell your stocks.
2. Using Cash Wisely: Cash is crucial in ‘Acquire’. Use it wisely to buy stocks, start companies, and manage mergers.
3. Understanding the Market: Keep a close eye on the market. Understand what companies are growing, which ones are likely to be acquired, and where the opportunities lie.