
Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors

Experience the thrill of the chase in a highly asymmetrical miniature fighting game, Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors. Unique heroes, tactical movements, and no-luck combat create an immersive gameplay that transports you back to an epic matchup 65 million years in the making.


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About the game

Welcome to the thrilling world of Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors, a strategic and immersive board game that takes you to the captivating universe of Jurassic Park. This game is a delightful blend of strategy, fantasy, and adventure, set against the backdrop of the iconic Jurassic Park.

The game is set in the enigmatic Jurassic Park where InGen security, represented by Robert Muldoon and a squad of InGen workers, locks horns with three rapacious Velociraptors in a high-stakes face-off. The core mechanics of the game revolve around smart card play, tactical movement, and strategic use of special abilities.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

The board game ‘Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors’ comes with a variety of components that each have their own functions. Below is a list of these components and a description of their roles within the game:

1. Double-sided game board

The game comes with a double-sided game board that represents the game’s terrain. It sets the stage for the gameplay and the positioning of characters. Each side of the board offers different strategic opportunities and obstacles for the players.

2. Character figures

There are four character figures in the game – one for Robert Muldoon and three for the Raptors. These figures represent your characters on the game board. The positioning of these figures can impact your gameplay, such as your attack and defense strategies.

3. Character decks

The game includes two character decks – one for Robert Muldoon and one for the Raptors. These decks contain unique cards that dictate the abilities and actions of the characters. This includes attacking, defending, maneuvering, and special actions.

4. Sidekick tokens

Robert Muldoon’s deck includes three sidekick tokens. These represent additional characters that can assist Robert Muldoon in the game. They are less powerful than the main character but can be used strategically in gameplay.

5. Health dials

There are four health dials included – one for Robert Muldoon and three for the Raptors. These dials keep track of each character’s health throughout the game. When a character’s health reaches zero, they are eliminated.

6. Status tokens

These tokens are used to mark various states or conditions affecting the characters during the game, such as stun or power-up effects. These can greatly influence the outcome of battles and overall gameplay.

7. Reference cards

The game comes with reference cards that provide an overview of the game rules and character abilities. These are handy reminders for players throughout the game.

All these components interact with each other to create a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience. The game is turn-based, with players using their character decks to decide their actions – attack, defend, or maneuver – and their character figures to represent their positions on the game board. Health dials and status tokens are used to track the progression and changes in the game. The aim is to outmaneuver and outplay your opponent, using your characters’ unique abilities and the terrain of the game board to your advantage.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors is a strategic two-player board game where one player controls the InGen team and the other player controls the Raptors. Here is a step-by-step guide to setting up the game:

Step 1: Determine player roles

One player will play as the InGen team, controlling Robert Muldoon and his team of hunters. The other player will control the pack of Raptors. Each role comes with its own unique deck of cards that will be used throughout the game.

Step 2: Board placement

Place the game board in the center of the play area. It should be easily accessible to both players. The board represents the layout of the Jurassic Park, with different paths and areas for the characters to navigate through.

Step 3: Place the characters

Each player places their character figures on the designated starting locations on the board. The InGen team starts at the Helipad, while the Raptors start at the Jungle.

Step 4: Shuffle the decks

Each player shuffles their respective deck of cards and draws a hand of five cards. These cards represent various actions that the characters can perform during their turn. Both the InGen and the Raptor decks have their own unique cards, reflecting the different abilities and strategies of each side.

Step 5: Set up the health dials

Each player sets the health dials for their characters. Robert Muldoon starts with 10 health points, the InGen hunters each start with 3 health points, and each Raptor starts with 6 health points.

Step 6: Prepare the action tokens

Each player has two action tokens, which are used to keep track of the actions taken during a turn. Place these tokens next to the game board within easy reach of each player.

Step 7: Set up the random elements

Some elements of the game are randomized to increase the replayability and strategic depth. Shuffle the Scheme cards and place them face down next to the game board. These cards represent various events and maneuvers that can randomly occur during the game, adding an additional layer of unpredictability and strategy.

Game flow Round and round we go

Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors is an exhilarating board game where players control powerful characters from the Jurassic Park universe. The game is played in rounds, each consisting of several phases.

Each player’s turn consists of two phases:

  1. Draw Phase
  2. Main Phase

In the Draw Phase, the active player draws a card from their deck and adds it to their hand. If the player’s deck is exhausted, they do not shuffle their discard pile to form a new deck. Instead, they simply skip the draw phase on their subsequent turns.

The Main Phase is where most of the game’s action takes place. During this phase, the active player has the option to play cards, move their characters, or recover health. The specific actions they can perform are:

  • Maneuver: The player may draw a card, then optionally move each of their fighters up to a number of spaces equal to that fighter’s movement value.
  • Scheme: The player may play a Scheme card from their hand and resolve its effect.
  • Attack: The player may choose one of their fighters to attack an opponent’s fighter. The attacker and defender both play a card face down, then reveal them. The fighter with the lower value card takes damage equal to the difference in values. Certain cards have special effects that can impact the outcome of the attack.
  • Recover: If the player’s hero is in the same space as their sidekick, they may discard a card to recover a number of health points equal to the card’s boost value.

The game continues with players alternating turns until one player’s hero is defeated, at which point the other player is declared the winner.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

In Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors, each player’s turn consists of two phases, the Maneuver Phase and the Scheme Phase. Each phase allows for different actions and strategic choices, all of which can significantly impact the outcome of the game.

During the Maneuver Phase, the player performs the following actions in order:

  1. Draw a card: The player draws a card from their deck to their hand. This card can be a move, attack, or scheme card, each offering different strategic options for the player.
  2. Move: The player can move any or all of their fighters up to a number of spaces equal to their fighters’ move value. This allows the player to position their fighters strategically on the board.

After the Maneuver Phase, the Scheme Phase begins. During this phase, the player can take one of two actions:

  1. Attack: The player can choose to attack an opponent’s fighter that is in the same space or an adjacent space. The attacker and defender both play a card face down and then reveal them. The player with the higher value wins the attack. The difference in values is the amount of damage dealt to the losing fighter.
  2. Scheme: The player can choose to play a scheme card from their hand. Scheme cards allow for special actions that can change the state of the game, such as healing fighters, moving fighters, or drawing additional cards.

Strategic choices in Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors revolve around managing your hand of cards and positioning your fighters. When to attack, when to move, and when to play a scheme card can all significantly impact the game. For example, attacking too early might leave your fighter vulnerable to counterattacks, whereas playing a scheme card at the right time could turn the tide of the game in your favor.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your fighters, as well as the layout of the game board, is crucial to developing a winning strategy. For example, using the Raptors’ high movement speed to control the board, or using InGen’s powerful scheme cards to keep the Raptors at bay, can be effective strategies depending on the situation.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

The game of Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors ends when one side successfully achieves their victory condition. The victory conditions are specific to each side of the game, and are as follows:


The game ends in favor of the Raptor player when all of the InGen characters (Muldoon and the InGen Workers) have been defeated. This means that their health points have been reduced to zero.


For the InGen player, the game ends when they have successfully reduced the health points of all three Raptors to zero, or if they have managed to get all 3 Raptors into their padded cage (trap).

Before the final scoring or declaration of victory, players must ensure the following:

  • Check Health Points: Verify the health points of all characters on the board. If a character’s health points have been reduced to zero, they are removed from the game.
  • Check Traps: For the InGen player, verify whether all three Raptors are in the trap.
  • Play Final Cards: If a player has any cards in their hand that can be played at this time, they must do so. This could potentially change the outcome of the game, so it is an important step.

The game does not have a scoring system as such. The winner is determined solely based on the victory conditions. Therefore, there is no need for final scoring. The game ends immediately when any player meets their victory condition.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

In the game of ‘Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors’, players do not score points in the traditional sense. Instead, the goal is to reduce your opponent’s life to zero. Here, we will explain the system and the tie-breaking rules.

Damage System

InGen vs Raptors is a combat game. The measure of success is how many life points you take from your opponent. Life points are tracked on a dial, starting at 30 for InGen and 16 for the Raptors. Each player’s turn consists of two actions, which can include attacking, drawing cards, or maneuvering.

  • Attack: When a player chooses to attack, they choose a fighter and an opponent’s fighter within the attack zone. Both players draw an attack or defense card. The numerical value on the card represents the damage dealt or blocked.
  • Draw Cards: Players can choose to draw cards from their deck instead of attacking. A player’s deck contains various attack, defense, and versatile cards.
  • Maneuver: Players can also choose to move their fighters around the game board. Movement can help players strategically position their fighter to attack or avoid being attacked.

Tie-Breaking Rules

The game typically ends when one player’s life points reach zero. But there can be situations where both players reach zero at the same time. In such a case, the game has specific tie-breaking rules.

  1. If both players reach zero life points as a result of the same attack, the game is a draw.
  2. If both players reach zero life points as a result of different attacks during the same turn, the player who initiated the turn wins.

Remember, the key to winning ‘Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors’ is strategy. The use of your actions and the management of your deck can turn the tide in your favor.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors is a highly thematic, asymmetrical miniatures fighting game. Each player in the game takes control of a unique hero or group of heroes and their accompanying deck of cards, with the goal to reduce their opponent’s life to zero. However, there are some special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that must be noted:

1. InGen vs Raptors:

  • Robert Muldoon and InGen Workers: In this game, Muldoon and the InGen Workers are considered a group hero. When any fighter in this group is attacked, the player can decide which hero in the group will defend the attack. However, the opponent gets to choose the target of any effect that doesn’t explicitly target a defending hero.
  • Raptors: The Raptors work as a single unit but are represented by three separate figures. They follow the same rules as a group hero with a few exceptions. Most notably, the Raptors can’t be in the same space as each other, and they must move separately.

2. Special rules regarding the Maneuver:

  • Boosting: A player may choose to boost a maneuver by discarding a card. The number in the corner of the card is added to their maneuver value. However, a boost can only be added to a maneuver, not an attack or defense.
  • Multiple Maneuvers: Players are allowed to perform multiple maneuvers during their turn, but they must complete one maneuver before starting the next.

3. Special rules regarding Ranged Attack:

  • Blocked Path: A ranged attack is blocked if there is a space along the path to the target that contains a different opponent or an obstruction. However, there are some cards that can bypass this rule.

4. Special rules regarding Melee Attack:

  • Scheming: A player may choose to scheme instead of attacking. This means they play a scheme card from their hand instead of an attack card.

5. Rule clarifications:

  1. Separate Spaces: The Raptors can’t be in the same space as each other, but they can be in the same space as other heroes.
  2. Simultaneous Effects: If multiple effects would occur at the same time, the player whose turn it is decides the order.
  3. Empty Deck: If a player needs to draw a card and their deck is empty, they shuffle their discard pile to form a new deck.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Advanced Strategies:

  1. Playing as InGen, always try to keep your Raptor Paddock cards for the last part of the game. This will give you an upper hand in moving Raptors around the board and can be a game changer.

  2. When playing as Raptors, keep in mind that your strength lies in numbers. Try to keep your Raptors together and attack collectively. This will increase your chances of taking down the opponent.

  3. Remember to use your characters’ special abilities strategically. For example, Muldoon’s trap setting ability can be used to control the movement of the Raptors, while the Raptors’ pack hunting ability can be used to overwhelm the opponent.

Beginner Tips:

  • Understanding the different abilities of your characters is essential for gameplay. Make sure to familiarize yourself with these abilities before starting the game.

  • In Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs Raptors, positioning is everything. Be thoughtful about where you place your characters on the board.

  • Practice your strategy of attack. Remember, the objective of the game is to eliminate your opponent’s hero. Make every move count.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  1. Do not underestimate the power of scheme cards. Many players overlook these cards, but they can significantly alter the game’s outcome.

  2. Avoid isolating your characters, especially when playing as Raptors. Their strength lies in their pack, and isolating them can make them easy targets.

  3. Don’t forget to manage your hand. It’s easy to get caught up in the game and forget to draw new cards, but you should always have as many options as possible.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay:

  • Constantly evaluate your strategy. If something is not working, don’t be afraid to change your approach.

  • Try to predict your opponent’s moves. This will help you plan your moves and stay one step ahead.

  • Take time to understand the board and the various locations. Each location has its own advantages and disadvantages. Use this knowledge to your advantage.