
The Castles of Burgundy

Immerse yourself in High Medieval France with The Castles of Burgundy board game! Build settlements, exploit mines, trade goods, and gather knowledge for victory.


2 - 4


About the game

The Castles of Burgundy is a highly immersive and strategic board game set in the lush, rolling landscapes of medieval France. The game takes place in the vibrant duchy of Burgundy, where each player assumes the role of an aristocratic landowner, competing to build the most prosperous and prestigious estate.

Theme and Setting: The theme is deeply rooted in the historical era of the 15th century, drenched in the rich culture and tradition of the time. The setting is beautifully represented on the game board, with sections for different types of land like pastures, mines, castles, and cities. The game’s components, such as settlement tiles and livestock tiles, are designed to reflect the period’s architecture and economy.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

The Castles of Burgundy is a strategic board game that includes a variety of components. Each component plays a crucial role in the game and they all interact in different ways to create a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience.

1. Game Boards: There are several game boards in The Castles of Burgundy.

  • Main Game Board: The main game board is the central hub of the game where players draw tiles from. It displays various hexagonal regions each containing a different type of tile.
  • Player Boards: Each player has a personal board that represents their estate. Players place the tiles they have drawn from the main board onto their player board.

2. Tiles: Tiles are the main components that players interact with during the game.

  • Building tiles: These tiles represent different types of buildings that can be placed on the player’s estate. Each building provides a different benefit when placed.
  • Animal tiles: These tiles represent different types of animals. When placed on a pasture, they provide points based on the number of animals on the tile.
  • Knowledge tiles: These tiles provide various benefits and special rules for the player who places them.
  • Ship tiles: These tiles allow the player to advance on the turn order track and ship goods.
  • Mine tiles: These tiles provide the player with silverlings.
  • Castle tiles: These tiles allow the player to perform an extra action.

3. Goods: Goods are represented by tiles that can be acquired through the ship action. Players can sell goods for points and silverlings.

4. Silverlings: Silverlings are the currency in The Castles of Burgundy. They can be used to purchase black market tiles.

5. Worker Tokens: Worker tokens can be used to adjust the result of a die roll, offering more flexibility to the player’s actions.

6. Dice: Each player rolls two dice at the beginning of their turn. The dice determine which actions a player can perform during their turn.

7. Player Markers: Each player has a marker that is used to track their progress on the scoring track and turn order track.

8. Bonus Tiles: There are four types of bonus tiles – worker, animal, building, and knowledge – that provide bonus points at the end of the game.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

The Castles of Burgundy is a strategy board game for 2-4 players. The game is set in the Burgundy region of High Medieval France. Each player takes on the role of an aristocrat, originally controlling a small princedom. While playing they aim to build settlements and powerful castles, practice trade along the river, exploit silver mines, and use the knowledge of travelers.

Let’s go through the step-by-step guide on how to set up ‘The Castles of Burgundy’:

Step 1: Player Roles

Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding game components of that color. This includes a player board, two dice, three workers, a silverling, and a victory points marker.

Step 2: Board Placement

Place the game board in the center of the table. The side you use depends on the number of players. The board shows the goods market, the tiles depot, the dice area, and the turn order track.

Step 3: Initial Resources

Each player places their victory points marker on the “0/100” space of the victory points track. The silverling is placed on the “1” space of the player’s princedom.

Step 4: Goods Tiles

Sort the goods tiles by color and form six stacks, placing them next to the game board. Draw the top tile from each stack and place it on the corresponding color space of the goods market.

Step 5: Bonus Tiles

Shuffle the bonus tiles face down and draw as many as the number of players plus one. Arrange them in ascending order and place them on the turn order track. The remaining tiles are returned to the box.

Step 6: Game Tiles

Sort the game tiles by color and form six piles. Shuffle each pile separately and place them face down next to the board. Draw tiles from these piles and fill up all the spaces in the depot on the game board.

Step 7: Random Elements

Shuffle the silver bonus tiles and place them face down as a draw pile beside the game board. Draw the top six tiles and place them on the corresponding spaces of the depot.

Now, you are all set to play ‘The Castles of Burgundy’. Enjoy your journey through the high medieval France.

Game flow Round and round we go

The Castles of Burgundy is a strategy board game for two to four players. The game is set in the Burgundy region of High Medieval France and the players take on the roles of the aristocrats, aiming to build the greatest estates in the land by becoming more prosperous and influential than their competitors. Each player accomplishes this goal by trading, livestock farming, city building, and scientific research.

The game is divided into five phases, each consisting of five rounds. The structure of each round is broken down as follows:

  1. Roll the Dice: Each player rolls two dice at the start of their turn. The result of the dice roll will determine the players’ actions.
  2. Perform Actions: Depending on the result of the dice roll, players can perform specific actions. These actions can include taking worker tiles, taking tiles from the game board and placing them on their player board, delivering goods, or taking silverlings (the currency in the game).
  3. End of Round: After all players have taken their turns and performed their actions, the round ends. The game board is then refreshed with new tiles for the next round.

Now let’s delve deeper into the various actions a player can perform:

  • Take Worker Tiles: By spending a die, a player can take worker tiles which can be used to adjust the result of a dice roll in future rounds.
  • Take a Tile from the Game Board: A player can spend a die to take a tile from the game board and place it in their storage area. The number on the die must match the section of the game board from where the tile is taken.
  • Place a Tile from the Storage Area: Players can spend a die to place a tile from their storage area onto their player board. Again, the number on the die must match the designated spot on the player board where the tile is placed.
  • Deliver Goods: Players can spend a die to deliver goods, earning silverlings and victory points.
  • Take Silverlings: Instead of performing any other action, a player can use a die to take two silverlings.

At the end of the fifth phase, the game concludes. Each player then adds up their victory points from the various areas such as buildings, pastures, goods, and knowledge. The player with the most victory points is declared the winner.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

The board game The Castles of Burgundy involves players taking turns to perform various actions, with the aim of building the wealthiest estates. In each turn, a player is allowed to perform two actions, which must be different. The following sections outline these possible actions and their strategic implications.

1. Taking a tile from the Game Board:

The player can use a die to take a tile from the central game board. The number on the die corresponds to the region on the board from which they can take a tile. This is a strategic choice because it allows players to plan for future rounds.

2. Placing a tile on the Player Board:

The player can use a die to move a tile from their depot to their estate. The number on the die must match the section of their estate where they want to place the tile. The player must also follow the color restrictions of each section. This action affects gameplay by allowing players to establish buildings and other structures on their estate, which can earn them victory points.

3. Selling goods:

The player can use a die to sell goods. The number on the die must match the color of the goods they want to sell. Each good sold earns the player one silverling and one victory point. This action is strategically important because it provides players with the resources to acquire more tiles and the points needed to win the game.

4. Buying tiles:

The player can spend two silverlings to purchase any tile from the central black depot, regardless of the die number. This action gives players more flexibility in their strategy because it allows them to acquire any tile they need, rather than being limited by the roll of the dice.

5. Using workers:

The player can use workers to adjust the number on a die, up or down, by one for each worker used. This action provides a way for players to mitigate the randomness of the dice and have more control over their strategy.

Understanding these actions and how to use them strategically is key to succeeding in The Castles of Burgundy. The game requires careful planning, resource management, and adaptability in response to the actions of other players.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

The game of ‘The Castles of Burgundy’ ends after the completion of five phases, each of which consists of five rounds. Hence, in total, there are 25 rounds in the game. After the final phase and round, players proceed to final scoring.

Each player’s objective throughout the game is to earn the most victory points. They do this by trading, livestock farming, city building or scientific research. Points are also earned from the player’s estate, which they expand during the course of the game.

Victory Conditions:

Victory in ‘The Castles of Burgundy’ is determined by the total number of victory points a player has accumulated by the end of the game. The player with the most victory points is declared the winner.

Actions before Final Scoring:

Before final scoring, players must ensure the following actions are completed:

  • All players must have had an equal number of turns.
  • All goods and silverlings remaining on a player’s estate should be sold. Each good sold earns one victory point and each two silverlings sold earns one victory point.
  • All workers must be used. Each worker can adjust a die roll up or down by one (without exceeding 6 or going below 1).

Final Scoring:

After the game ends and the final actions are completed, scoring is done as follows:

    During the game scoring:

  1. Points earned from selling goods and building structures are counted first.
  2. Points from bonus tiles are added next.
  3. Points from completed city regions are also included.
    End of game scoring:

  1. Every unsold good and every two silverlings earn one victory point.
  2. Every remaining worker does not earn any points.
  3. Each player gains extra points for their rank in different categories, according to the player tableau.

After all the points have been counted, the player with the most victory points is declared the winner of ‘The Castles of Burgundy’.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

The scoring system in ‘The Castles of Burgundy’ board game is quite diverse, with several different mechanisms contributing to your final score. Here is a detailed breakdown:

1. Area Completion:

Players receive points immediately upon completing an area on their player board. The number of points depends on the size of the area and the current phase of the game.

2. Selling Goods:

When a player sells goods, they receive 1 silverling and a number of points equal to the number of goods sold.

3. Yellow Tiles:

Some yellow tiles provide an immediate one-time points bonus, while others provide a bonus at the end of the game based on certain conditions.

4. Shipping:

Whenever a player places a ship, they move up on the turn order track (which can give them an advantage in the next round) and also take goods from the depot. Each ship also provides 4 points.

5. Animals:

Each animal tile provides points equal to the number of animals on that tile.

6. Knowledge Tiles:

Some knowledge tiles provide an immediate one-time points bonus, while others provide a bonus at the end of the game based on certain conditions.

7. Bonus for Each Silverling:

At the end of the game, each player receives 1 point for every remaining silverling.

8. Bonus for Workers:

At the end of the game, each player receives 1 point for every 2 remaining workers.

9. Bonus for Unused Spaces:

At the end of the game, each player loses 1 point for each unused space on their player board.


In the event of a tie, the player with the most goods (not silverlings or workers) left over is the winner. If there is still a tie, then the player who is earlier in the turn order wins.

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

The Castles of Burgundy is a strategic board game that requires keen decision-making and careful planning. However, there are several special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that players should be aware of to fully enjoy the game.

Variable Player Powers

In The Castles of Burgundy, each player starts with a different player board. Each of these boards has a different layout, which can grant different benefits or challenges. This means that strategies may need to be adjusted depending on the board you are using.

Action Tiles

One unique feature of this game are the action tiles. These tiles allow players to perform actions that can potentially break the rules of the game, such as taking two actions in a single turn or placing a tile in a location you would not normally be able to. It’s important to understand how these tiles work and to use them strategically.

Shipping Goods

Shipping goods is a critical part of the game, but there are some specific rules around it. First, you can only ship goods if you have a ship tile. Second, all goods shipped must be of the same type. Lastly, once goods are shipped, they cannot be used again.

Building Bonus Tiles

Each time a player completes a region containing one or more building tiles, they receive a bonus. However, the bonus varies depending on the number of building tiles in the region. Players need to strategically plan their building to maximize these bonuses.

Here are some specific rules clarifications that might help:

  1. When using a Monk (dark green Knowledge) tile, it can act as a wild card and mimic any other color tile. However, it cannot mimic a beige Castle tile.
  2. In a two-player game, if a player takes a tile from the central depot, they do not replace it with a tile from the game board.
  3. Scoring for animal tiles is immediate. Once placed on the player board, the player scores the appropriate points and cannot move the tile.

Understanding these specific rules and exceptions can greatly enhance your enjoyment and strategy in The Castles of Burgundy.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Playing The Castles of Burgundy requires strategic thinking and planning ahead. Below are some advanced strategies, tips for beginners, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to optimize gameplay.

Advanced Strategies:

  • Focus on Filling Regions: Filling up regions quickly can give you bonus points. This can be particularly effective in the early rounds when fewer players are competing for the same tiles.
  • Use Buildings Wisely: Buildings can provide powerful bonuses if used correctly. Try to combine their effects for maximum impact.
  • Manage Your Workers: Workers can be used to adjust your dice rolls, allowing you to take specific actions when you need them. Manage your workers wisely to ensure you have flexibility in your strategy.

Beginner Tips:

  • Understand the Scoring: The Castles of Burgundy awards points in many different ways. Make sure you understand how each type of tile scores points and plan your strategy accordingly.
  • Balance Your Strategy: Don’t focus too much on one aspect of the game. A balanced strategy that includes a mix of buildings, animals, and shipping can be very effective.
  • Use Your Castles: Your castles give you a free action. Use them wisely to take an extra action that can help you advance your strategy.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Ignoring the Bonus Cards: The bonus cards can provide a significant number of points, especially if you can collect a set. Don’t ignore these in favor of other strategies.
  • Neglecting the Timing: The Castles of Burgundy is played over five phases, and the timing of your actions can be crucial. Don’t forget to plan for the end of the phase and the end of the game.
  • Spreading Too Thin: While a balanced strategy is important, trying to do too many things at once can leave you falling behind in all areas. Focus your strategy and avoid spreading too thin.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay:

  • Plan Ahead: Look at the tiles available in the depot and plan your turns ahead of time. This can help you optimize your actions and use your workers and silverlings more effectively.
  • Watch Your Opponents: Keep an eye on what your opponents are doing. This can give you an idea of what tiles they may be aiming for and allow you to block them or adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Use Your Silverlings: Don’t forget to use your silverlings to buy tiles from the depot. This can allow you to take tiles that you need without having to rely on the luck of the dice.