Lords of Hellas
Experience Lords of Hellas, a strategic board game where you control heroes, build godly monuments, and conquer the Dark Ages of Greece.
1 - 4
Medium Heavy

About the game
Lords of Hellas is a dynamic board game that blends the key elements of area control, adventure, and strategy. Set in the richly detailed, mythological world of ancient Greece, the game adds a unique twist by incorporating advanced technology and futuristic elements. This fusion of antiquity and sci-fi sets it apart and offers players a truly distinctive gaming experience.
In terms of the game’s theme and setting, imagine a version of ancient Greece where legendary heroes like Hercules and Achilles don advanced power armor, mythical creatures such as Medusa and the Minotaur are terrifyingly real, and gods like Zeus and Athena are tangible, powerful entities. This is the world of Lords of Hellas, a world where mythology and technology intertwine in spectacular fashion. The intricate game board presents a map of this alternate Greece, divided into various regions, each with its own cities, temples, and monster lairs.
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Setup and rules summary
Game components Unboxing the fun!
Lords of Hellas is a strategic board game that comes with numerous components, each serving a unique purpose and interacting with the game in different ways:
1. Game Board: The game board represents the map of Hellas. It contains different regions for players to conquer and control. It also has spaces for tracking the progress of monster hunts and players’ contributions to building monuments.
2. Miniatures: There are different types of miniatures in the game, including Heroes, Monsters, Hoplites, and Priests. Heroes are the main characters that players control. They move around the board, fight monsters, and lead hoplites into battles. Hoplites are soldiers used to control regions and fight against other players’ forces. Monsters are powerful beings that roam the board and can be hunted for rewards. Priests are used to perform special actions at monuments.
3. Monuments: There are four building monuments in the game, each representing a different god. Players can contribute to building these monuments for various benefits, with the bonuses increasing as the monument gets closer to completion.
4. Cards: There are several types of cards in the game, including Combat Cards, Blessing Cards, Artifact Cards, and Quest Cards. Combat Cards provide players with different combat tactics. Blessing Cards grant special abilities. Artifact Cards represent powerful items that can be obtained by defeating monsters. Quest Cards provide players with specific tasks for rewards.
5. Tokens and Markers: The game includes various tokens and markers, such as Influence Tokens, Control Tokens, Injury Tokens, and Tracking Markers. Influence Tokens indicate the influence level of a player in a region. Control Tokens show which player currently controls a region. Injury Tokens are used to record the damage sustained by heroes and monsters. Tracking Markers are used to track various game progressions on the game board.
6. Dice: The game comes with special dice used for combat and monster hunting.
7. Player Boards: Each player has a player board to manage their hero, hoplites, priests, and collected cards and tokens. It also indicates the special abilities of their hero.
8. City Miniatures: These are used to represent the cities on the game board. Controlling cities provides players with strategic advantages.
9. Temple Miniatures: These are placed on the board when a monument is completed. They are used for performing special actions with priests.
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Lords of Hellas is a thrilling strategy board game where players take on the roles of heroes of Greek myth, each with unique powers. The game setup involves preparing the game board, assigning player roles, distributing initial resources, and managing random elements. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up the game.
Step 1: Preparing the Game Board
- Unfold the main game board and place it in the center of the playing area.
- Place the Quests board on the designated area on the main board.
- Put the Artifact cards next to the Quests board.
- Place the Monster cards and Monster tokens nearby, but separate from the Artifact cards.
Step 2: Assigning Player Roles
- Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding Hero board, Hero miniature, control markers, and Army units.
- Place the Hero miniatures on the starting areas indicated on the game board.
- Place one control marker of each player on the ‘0’ space of the Glory Track on the game board.
Step 3: Distributing Initial Resources
- Each player places one Priest on their Hero board in the Priest space.
- Each player receives one Combat card and one Blessing card.
- Each player places two Army units in the region where their Hero miniature is located.
Step 4: Managing Random Elements
- Shuffle the Monster cards and place them face down in a pile next to the game board. Draw the top card and place the corresponding Monster token in the region indicated on the card.
- Shuffle the Quest cards and draw three. Place them face up on the Quest board.
- Shuffle the Artifact cards and draw one for each player. Each player selects one Artifact card from the ones drawn and adds it to their hand.
Note: After all these steps, the game is set up and ready to play. The player who most recently visited Greece (or the player who won the last game, if none have been to Greece) goes first.
Game flow Round and round we go
Lords of Hellas is a strategy board game where players take on the roles of legendary heroes of Greece. The game is divided into several phases and rounds, each offering unique decisions and strategies to the players.
The game starts with the Setup Phase which includes:
- Player Assignment: Each player selects a unique hero and takes the corresponding hero board, miniature, and cards.
- Board Preparation: The game board is prepared according to the number of players.
- Initial Army Placement: Players place their starting units on the board.
The main part of the game is the Game Round, which consists of the following phases:
- Start of the Round: The first player token is passed to the next player.
- Action Phase: Players take turns performing one action each (build, march, recruit, pray, hunt, or prepare). This continues until all players have passed.
- Monster Phase: Monsters on the board take their actions.
- End of the Round: Certain effects that occur at the end of the round are resolved.
In the Action Phase, players have several options:
- Build: Players can build monuments to gain blessings from the gods.
- March: Players can move their armies across the map to control territories or battle opponents.
- Recruit: Players can recruit new units to reinforce their armies.
- Pray: Players can pray to the gods to gain their favor, which provides various benefits.
- Hunt: Players can hunt monsters for glory and rewards.
- Prepare: Players can prepare for future turns by drawing combat cards or regaining used artifacts.
The Monster Phase follows the Action Phase. In this phase, each monster on the map performs a monster action, and then the monsters attack.
The End of the Round phase includes the following steps:
- Event: The top card of the event deck is revealed and its effect is resolved.
- End of the Round Abilities: Abilities that trigger at the end of the round are resolved.
After the End of the Round phase, a new game round begins with the Start of the Round phase. The game continues in this manner until a player meets one of the victory conditions.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
In Lords of Hellas, a player’s turn consists of a main phase and an end phase. During the main phase, players can take one of the following actions:
- Move a hero: Players can move their heroes across regions. This action can help players to conquer lands, engage in combat with monsters, or reach strategic locations.
- Prepare for war: This action allows players to muster armies in regions where their hero is present. It’s a strategic choice that can lead to the control of more territories.
- Build a monument: Players can choose to construct parts of a monument in their controlled area. The completion of these monuments can grant players powerful abilities and contribute to potential victory conditions.
- Pray: Players can send their hero to pray at a temple, which allows them to gain favor of the Gods. This can provide special benefits and artifacts.
- Hunt for a monster: Players can choose to engage in combat with a monster. Defeating a monster can offer rewards and contribute to a potential victory condition.
Following the main phase, the end phase occurs where players can:
- Control a region: If a player has the majority of armies in a region, they control it. Controlling regions can contribute to one of the victory conditions.
- Draw a card: Players can draw one card from the event deck. These cards can provide various benefits and strategic opportunities.
In terms of strategic choices, these can depend on the player’s desired path to victory. For example, focusing on building monuments and controlling regions can lead to a territorial victory, while hunting monsters can lead to a hero victory. Players can also aim for a temple victory by controlling all temples on the board, or a monument victory by building all five parts of a monument.
The gameplay of Lords of Hellas is deeply impacted by these actions and strategic choices. They determine the pace of the game, the interaction between players, and ultimately, the potential victor. Therefore, players must carefully consider their options and strategies at every turn.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
‘Lords of Hellas’ is a dynamic and strategic board game that offers multiple paths to victory. The game ends when any one of the four victory conditions is met, allowing for a diverse range of strategies and gameplay experiences. Here’s an overview of how and when a game of ‘Lords of Hellas’ ends, and the actions players must take before final scoring:
Firstly, it’s important to note that the game ends immediately once a player has fulfilled any one of the four victory conditions. There is no need for the game to reach a certain round or for all players to have the same number of turns. Once a victory condition is met, the game is over and final scoring begins. The four victory conditions are as follows:
- Control of Land Victory: This condition is met if a player controls two lands at the end of their turn. A player controls a land when they have a presence in all regions of that land.
- Temple Victory: If a player controls five temples at the end of their turn, they achieve a Temple Victory. Temples can be controlled by having a hero or a monument in the same region.
- Monster Victory: A player can achieve a Monster Victory by killing three monsters. Killing a monster requires a player to win a combat against it.
- Monument Victory: The final victory condition is building a monument to level 3 and controlling it at the end of your turn.
Once a victory condition is achieved, the player who has met the condition is declared the winner. There is no final scoring in the traditional sense, as the game ends immediately when a victory condition is met. However, before the game ends, players must ensure that they have correctly tracked their monument levels, monster kills, controlled temples, and controlled lands on their player boards.
It’s also crucial to ensure that all combat, action, control, and monster effects have been properly resolved before declaring a winner. This includes checking that all player and monster abilities have been taken into account, and that all blessings, artifacts, and quests have been applied correctly.
In the event of a dispute, players should refer back to the game rules or consult an online resource to confirm the correct application of rules. Remember, the goal of ‘Lords of Hellas’ is not just to win, but to enjoy the process of strategic planning and execution in the mythical world of Hellas.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
‘Lords of Hellas’ is a board game that doesn’t rely on a traditional point-scoring system, but rather, victory is achieved through four different win conditions. Each win condition represents a different aspect of the game and reflects the various strategies players can employ to achieve victory.
1. Control of regions:
A player can win the game immediately if they control two regions at the end of their turn. A region is considered controlled by a player if they have the majority of units (Heroes, Hoplites, Priests, and Monsters) present in the region.
2. Temple control:
A player can win if they control 5 temples at the end of their turn. A temple is considered controlled by a player if they have a monument or a priest present.
3. Monster hunting:
A player can win immediately if they kill 3 monsters. Monsters are killed through a combination of combat and using special abilities.
4. Monument building:
A player can win if they complete a monument. Monuments are built through the accumulation of resources and with the help of priests.
In the case of a tie, the tie-breaking rules are as follows:
If two players achieve a victory condition at the same time, the player who triggered the end-of-round event is the winner. If the game ends without any player fulfilling a win condition, then the player with the most temples wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the most controlled regions wins. If there is still a tie after this, the player with the most monsters killed wins. If there is still a tie after this, the player who completed the most monument stages wins. If there is still a tie, the victory is shared.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Lords of Hellas is a strategic board game with a unique blend of classical mythology and futuristic elements. Despite its comprehensive rulebook, there are certain special rules, exceptions and possible points of confusion that should be addressed:
1. Monument Construction:
- Players can start building a monument at any time during their turn. However, they can only add one piece per turn, even if they have the necessary resources for more. This rule applies even if a player gains additional resources during their turn.
- Monuments provide God powers to the player who controls the region they are in. However, these powers are only active as long as the player maintains control. If they lose control of the region, they lose access to the power.
2. Combat:
- Combat in Lords of Hellas can be complex. While the attacker decides where and when a battle occurs, the defender has the first opportunity to play combat cards. This can give the defender a significant advantage, even though they didn’t initiate the combat.
- Heroes cannot participate in battles involving hoplites, and vice versa. They are essentially two separate combat systems, and their rules don’t intersect.
3. Hunt for Monsters:
- Monsters in Lords of Hellas are not tied to a specific region. When a monster moves, it moves to an adjacent region, not a specific player’s region. Therefore, the monster can move out of a player’s control, even if the player has just hunted it.
- When a hero is wounded by a monster, they must retreat to a city. However, if no city is available, they retreat to the closest region controlled by the hero’s player.
4. Quests:
- Quests are optional and can be ignored by players. However, completing quests gives players various benefits, including artifacts, which can provide powerful abilities.
- Only one player can complete a quest. Once a quest is completed, it’s removed from the game.
5. Blessings:
- Blessings are cards that players can draw when they build temples. However, a player can only have a maximum of five blessings at a time. If they draw a sixth, they must discard one.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Here, we will provide a comprehensive guide to the popular board game, ‘Lords of Hellas’. This will include advanced strategies, beginner tips, common mistakes to avoid, and ways to optimize your gameplay to help enhance your gaming experience.
Advanced Strategies
1. Map Control: Map control is crucial in ‘Lords of Hellas’. Try to occupy as many regions as possible to benefit from their resources. Use your heroes and armies wisely to protect your territories.
2. Monument Building: Prioritize building monuments. They provide blessings which can significantly enhance your gameplay. The player who completes a monument also gains control of a powerful god!
3. Quests: Don’t ignore quests. They are a good source of artifacts, which can give heroes special abilities and advantages in battles.
Beginner Tips
1. Understand the Different Win Conditions: ‘Lords of Hellas’ has multiple win conditions. Familiarize yourself with all of them and plan your strategy accordingly.
2. Learn the Heroes: Each hero in ‘Lords of Hellas’ has unique abilities. Learn these abilities to leverage them to your advantage.
3. Manage Your Actions: Each turn, you have a limited number of actions. Use them wisely to maximize your gains.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
1. Neglecting Defense: While attacking and expanding is important, don’t neglect your defense. Your opponents will be looking for weak spots to exploit.
2. Ignoring Blessings: Each monument provides different blessings. Ignoring these can result in missed opportunities for enhancements.
3. Not Adapting Strategy: ‘Lords of Hellas’ is a dynamic game. The situation can change quickly. Make sure to adapt your strategy accordingly.
Optimizing Gameplay
1. Use Monster Abilities: Monsters have powerful abilities that can disrupt your opponents. Make sure to utilize them.
2. Leverage Artifacts: Artifacts can give your hero unique abilities. Use these to enhance your strategy.
3. Coordinate Your Actions: Try to coordinate your actions to create powerful combos. This can help you gain the upper hand in critical situations.