
Struggle of Empires

Experience the 18th-century power struggle in Europe and beyond in Struggle of Empires. Build armies, establish colonies, and strategically ally to expand your reign.


2 - 7

Medium Heavy

About the game

Struggle of Empires is an epic board game that transports players to the 18th century, a time of great global conflict and imperial expansion. This game is not only about battle and conquest, but also about diplomacy, alliances, and strategic maneuvers. As you delve into the game, you’ll find yourself immersed in the historical setting, grappling with the same strategic conundrums faced by the world’s greatest empires.

The game is set against the backdrop of seven major European powers vying for supremacy and control over various regions around the globe. These regions include North America, the Caribbean, India, and the East Indies, each bringing unique opportunities and challenges for the players.

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Setup and rules summary

Game components Unboxing the fun!

Struggle of Empires is a strategy board game that pits you against up to six other players in a contest for global dominance. To understand the game, it is important to understand the components and how they interact. Below is a detailed list and description of every component included in ‘Struggle of Empires’.

  • Game Board: The game board represents various countries of the world. Players will place their units on this board to signify control over different regions. The board is also used to track turns and player order.
  • Player Boards: Each player has a personal board that represents their empire. This board is used to organize their units, resources, and development tiles.
  • Rule Book: The rule book provides detailed instructions about how to set up and play the game. Players should refer to the rule book for any questions they have about gameplay.
  • Player Tokens: Players use these tokens to signify their control over the various regions on the game board. The number of tokens each player has is limited, adding a level of strategic planning to the game.
  • Unit Tiles: These tiles represent the military strength of a player’s empire. They include infantry, artillery, and naval units. The type and number of units a player has can impact their strategy and success in the game.
  • Development Tiles: These tiles represent technological advancements that a player’s empire can achieve. These advancements can provide various benefits and advantages in the game.
  • Resource Tokens: These tokens represent the resources that a player’s empire produces. Resources are necessary for building units and achieving developments.
  • Gold Tokens: Gold is a type of resource that can be used for various purposes, such as purchasing units or developments. Gold can also be used to influence alliances and wars.
  • Dice: Dice are used to resolve combat in the game. Each player rolls dice based on the number and type of units they have in a battle.
  • Alliance Tiles: These tiles represent potential alliances between players. Alliances can provide various benefits and disadvantages, and are a key part of the game’s strategy.

Each component in ‘Struggle of Empires’ plays a unique and important role in the game. Understanding these components and how they interact is crucial to mastering the game and becoming a successful global power.

Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go

Struggle of Empires is a board game that requires strategic planning and diplomatic negotiation. To set up the game, follow the detailed step-by-step guide below:

Step 1: Player Roles

Each player represents a European colonial power, trying to gain dominance over other players. The game can be played by 2 to 7 players. Each player will choose a faction color and take the corresponding set of pieces.

Step 2: Board Placement

Place the game board in the center of the play area so it’s easily accessible to all players. Each player will place their home tile on the designated home space of the board.

Step 3: Initial Resources

Each player starts the game with a predetermined number of resources, depending on the number of players in the game. This includes gold, goods, and population discs. Each player should place these in their respective storage areas on the board.

Step 4: Tiles and Cards

  • Sort the development tiles by era (I, II, III) and place them face up in separate stacks by the game board.
  • Shuffle each era’s War tiles and place them face down in separate stacks.
  • Shuffle the Alliance tiles and place them in a stack next to the War tiles.
  • Deal a number of Colony tiles equal to the number of players plus two and place them face up next to the game board.

Step 5: Random Elements

There are several random elements in Struggle of Empires, including the order of play, the war tiles, and the colony tiles. The order of play is determined by a random draw of player markers from a bag at the beginning of each round. The war tiles and colony tiles are drawn randomly from their respective stacks during the game.

Step 6: Start of the Game

Once the game is set up, the starting player (determined randomly) takes the first turn. Players will then take turns in clockwise order around the table, each performing one action on their turn.

With these steps, you’re ready to start your journey into the world of ‘Struggle of Empires’. Enjoy the game!

Game flow Round and round we go

Struggle of Empires is a complex and engaging board game that requires strategic thinking and planning. The game is divided into three major phases, each comprising several rounds. Here’s a detailed description of the game’s structure.

Phase 1: The Placement Phase

The game begins with the placement phase. Here, each player decides where to place their initial colonies and forces. The actions performed in this phase include:

  • Selection of Home Country: Each player chooses a major European power as their home country.
  • Placement of Initial Colonies and Units: Players place their initial colonies and units on the game board, following the game’s rules for initial placement.

Phase 2: The Action Phase

The action phase is where the majority of the game takes place. In each round of this phase, players take turns performing actions with their units and colonies. The actions that can be performed include:

  • Expanding Colonies: Players can expand their colonies by placing new units on the board.
  • Moving Units: Players can move their units across the board to attack other players or to defend their own colonies.
  • Engaging in Combat: When a player’s units are in the same region as another player’s units, they can choose to engage in combat. This involves rolling dice to determine the outcome of the battle.
  • Gaining Resources: Players can spend their turns gaining additional resources, which can be used to enhance their colonies or units.

Phase 3: The Scoring Phase

Finally, the game moves into the scoring phase. In this phase, players calculate the total points they have earned based on the size and strength of their empires. The actions performed in this phase include:

  • Calculating Points: Each player calculates their total points based on the number and size of their colonies, the strength of their units, and any additional points earned through game actions.
  • Declaring the Winner: The player with the most points at the end of the scoring phase is declared the winner of the game.

Each phase of Struggle of Empires requires strategic decision-making and careful planning. By understanding the structure of the game and the actions available in each phase, players can develop strategies to outmaneuver their opponents and build the most successful empire.

Players'turn One turn to rule them all

Struggle of Empires is a complex board game wherein players take on the roles of colonial powers from the 18th century. The game unfolds over seven rounds, with each player having the opportunity to take multiple actions during their turn. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of the actions and strategic choices a player can make during their turn:

Each player’s turn in ‘Struggle of Empires’ consists of several phases.

  • Income Phase: At the start of each turn, players receive income based on their colonies and trade goods. This is the primary way to earn money in the game, which is crucial for funding various activities.
  • Action Phase: This is the main part of the turn. During this phase, players can take one of several actions:
    • Acquire Colony: A player can place one of their colony markers on an unoccupied land space. This expands their empire and increases their income. However, it also increases their war maintenance cost.
    • Acquire Trade Good: A player can spend money to gain a trade good. This increases their income and can also score victory points at the end of the game.
    • Attack: A player can initiate combat against another player’s colony. This involves a dice roll and can result in the attacking player taking over the colony. However, the defender has the chance to fight back and potentially repel the attack.
    • Move Units: A player can move their military units across the map. This can be used to position for future attacks or to defend against potential threats.
    • Recruit Units: A player can spend money to recruit additional military units. This strengthens their fighting power but also increases their war maintenance cost.
  • War Maintenance Phase: During this phase, players must pay for the upkeep of their colonies and military units. The cost is proportional to the size of their empire and army. If a player cannot afford to pay, they must remove some of their colonies or units.
  • Victory Point Phase: At the end of the turn, players earn victory points based on their colonies, trade goods, and other factors. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game wins.

Strategic choices in ‘Struggle of Empires’ revolve around balancing expansion with maintenance costs, deciding when to attack and when to focus on economic growth, and managing resources effectively. The game’s depth and complexity provide a range of viable strategies, ensuring that no two games are the same.

End of the game All good games must come to an end

Struggle of Empires is a complex and strategic board game where players lead one of seven Great Powers during the 18th century. The game play is divided into three “wars”, where players must form alliances, engage in battles, and strive for economic growth to gain the upper hand. But the most crucial question is: when and how does the game end?

The game of Struggle of Empires concludes at the end of the third war. At this point, players must conclude any remaining actions and prepare for the final scoring. Here’s a detailed look at the endgame conditions and the steps players must take before the final scoring:

  1. End of the Third War: Once the third war round has completed, the game ends. There are no additional rounds or phases. Ensure all war, alliance, and event tiles have been correctly resolved.
  2. Final Actions: Players may need to perform final actions based on the tiles they hold. For instance, if a player has an event tile that can be used at the end of the war, they must use it now.
  3. Resolve Uncontrolled Regions: If there are any regions on the board that are not controlled by any player, they must be resolved. This can result in additional victory points for certain players, based on the game’s rules.

Once these steps are completed, players move on to the final scoring. The victory conditions in Struggle of Empires are primarily based on victory points (VPs). Here’s how the scoring works:

  1. Victory Points from Tiles: Players add up the victory points from all war, alliance, and event tiles they have collected during the game.
  2. Victory Points from Regions: Players gain victory points for each region they control on the board. The number of points depends on the specific region.
  3. Victory Points from Economic Development: Players also gain victory points for their economic development during the game, which is represented by their position on the economic track.

The player with the highest total of victory points is declared the winner. In case of a tie, the player with the most controlled regions wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the most tiles wins.

Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?

Struggle of Empires is an engaging board game where players vie for supremacy through economic growth, military conquest, and diplomatic negotiation. The game’s point-based scoring system is complex but rewarding, and understanding it is key to mastering the game. Here is a detailed breakdown:

1. Victory Points

In Struggle of Empires, players earn points, known as Victory Points (VPs), through various actions and achievements throughout the game. Here is a list of how these points are awarded:

  • City Control: At the end of each War, players earn 1 VP for each City they control.
  • Colonies: Players earn 2 VPs for each Colony they establish.
  • Tile Achievements: Certain tiles (such as the Industrial, Economic, Military, and Naval tiles) award varying amounts of VPs, as specified on the tile.
  • War Victory: Players who successfully win a War gain 2 VPs.

2. Tie-Breaking Rules

In the event of a tie, the following rules are applied in order:

  1. The player who has the most money left is declared the winner.
  2. If a tie still exists, the player with the most tiles wins.
  3. If there is still a tie, the player with the most Colonies is the winner.
  4. If none of these break the tie, the game is considered a draw and the players share the victory.

Understanding and optimizing your point gain strategy in Struggle of Empires can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Remember, every action you take can potentially bring you closer to victory!

Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?

Struggle of Empires is a complex board game with many layers of rules and strategies. Here, we’ll highlight some of the game’s special rules, exceptions, and clarifications that often get overlooked or misunderstood:

Starting Turn:

  • The players’ starting positions are not determined by dice roll or drawing lots, but rather through an auction. This may seem odd to players used to traditional board games, but it adds an extra layer of strategy and requires careful consideration of your resources from the very beginning.

War Resolution:

  • In many board games, combat is resolved by rolling dice, but in Struggle of Empires it’s a bit more complex. Players will bid on the order of the wars to be resolved, which means you might find yourself in a war before you’re ready if you don’t bid wisely.

Tile Placement:

  • Players can place their tiles on any region they control, but they must always remember that they can only place tiles on regions where they have a presence. It’s an easy rule to forget, but it can have a large impact on the game if overlooked.


  • Alliances in Struggle of Empires are not permanent and can change from turn to turn. This is a unique aspect of the game that can confuse new players, as alliances can shift dramatically within a single round.

Population Track:

  • Unlike many games where population growth is always beneficial, in Struggle of Empires, having a large population can actually be detrimental. If a player’s population exceeds their empire’s capacity, they’ll need to pay extra maintenance and may even face revolts.

Player Elimination:

  • Struggle of Empires does not feature player elimination. All players remain in the game until the end, regardless of their achievements or setbacks. This means you always have a chance to recover and turn the tide, even if you’ve had a run of bad luck.

Tie Breakers:

  • In the event of a tie, the game does not use the traditional highest roll or coin flip to determine the winner. Instead, the player who was the first in the turn order during the last round of the game wins the tie. This can add another layer of strategy to the game, especially in the final rounds.

Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!

Struggle of Empires is a complex board game that requires strategic planning and careful management of resources. Here are some advanced strategies, beginner tips, and common mistakes to avoid to optimize your gameplay experience.

Advanced Strategies:

  • Manage your population wisely: Always try to increase your population, but ensure you have enough food to support them. This allows you to expand your empire and increase your military strength.
  • Use alliances judiciously: Alliances should be used strategically, and not just for the sake of forming one. Consider the benefits before forming an alliance.
  • Optimize your war tokens: Prioritize using your war tokens for battles that you are certain to win. Avoid wasting them on uncertain battles.

Beginner Tips:

  1. Understand the game mechanics: Before jumping into the game, take time to understand the rules and game mechanics. This can save you from making costly mistakes later on.
  2. Start slow: It’s tempting to expand rapidly, but this can lead to overstretching your resources. Start slow and expand strategically.
  3. Balance your resources: Struggle of Empires is all about balancing your resources. Make sure you have a good mix of food, population, and military strength.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Overexpansion: Expanding too quickly can lead to a shortage of resources and make your empire vulnerable to attacks. Always consider your resources before expanding.
  • Ignoring alliances: Forming alliances can provide important benefits, such as additional resources and protection. Ignoring them can leave you at a disadvantage.
  • Wasting war tokens: War tokens are valuable and should be used wisely. Avoid wasting them on battles that you are unlikely to win.

Ways to Optimize Gameplay:

  1. Plan ahead: Always think a few turns ahead and plan your strategies accordingly. This will help you make the most of your resources and stay ahead of your opponents.
  2. Learn from your mistakes: Every game provides an opportunity to learn. Take note of the mistakes you make and strive to avoid them in future games.
  3. Practice: The best way to improve your gameplay is through practice. The more you play, the better you’ll understand the game mechanics and strategies.