In Vinhos, become Portugal's top winemaker! Cultivate vineyards, produce premium wines, gain fame at wine fairs, and secure your global reputation!
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About the game
In the captivating board game Vinhos, you’re transported to the picturesque landscape of Portugal, stepping into the shoes of a wine producer in the renowned winemaking regions of the country. This game is a delightful blend of strategy, planning, and a deep appreciation for the art of winemaking.
The game has been lauded for its well-researched theme and robust mechanics. The board beautifully represents the different regions, each with their own unique advantages and constraints. The elegant artwork and the detailed components, including vineyards, wineries, and wine bottles, add a touch of realism to the game, immersing players into the world of Portuguese winemaking.
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Setup and rules summary
Game setup Lay it out, line it up, let’s go
Vinhos is a strategic board game where players take on the roles of wine producers in Portugal. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up the game:
Step 1 – Player Roles:
Each player will be a wine producer in Portugal. There are no specific roles beyond this, but each player will have to manage their vineyards, upgrade their cellars, boost their wine quality, and ensure they are successful at wine fairs.
Step 2 – Setting Up The Board:
- Place the game board in the center of the table.
- Place the weather tiles in the weather spaces on the board, in numerical order.
- Place the bank tiles on the bank spaces, with the value side up.
- Place the wine fair tiles on the wine fair spaces, with the first year side up.
- Place the barrels in a general supply next to the board.
- Place the wine magnate token on the 0 space of the scoring track.
- Place the wine experts on their matching colored spaces on the board.
Step 3 – Initial Resources:
- Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding player board, 10 vineyards, 9 wineries, 2 wine cellars, and 4 barrels.
- Each player places one of their barrels on the 0 space of the scoring track.
- Each player places one of their barrels on the 10 space of the money track on their player board.
- Each player places one of their barrels on the first space of the wine fair track on their player board.
- Each player places one of their barrels on the 0 space of the wine quality track on their player board.
- Each player places their 9 wineries and 2 wine cellars on the matching spaces on their player board.
- Each player places 4 of their vineyards on the region spaces of their player board, one in each region.
Step 4 – Random Elements:
Random elements in Vinhos include the weather tiles and the wine fair tiles. The weather tiles are placed in numerical order at the start of the game, but they are drawn randomly during the game to determine the weather conditions for each year. The wine fair tiles are placed with the first year side up at the start of the game, but they are flipped over to the second year side after the first year’s wine fair is completed.
Game flow Round and round we go
Vinhos, a complex, strategic board game designed by Vital Lacerda, is all about the production and trading of different types of wine in Portugal. The gameplay is divided into several distinct phases or rounds, each with its specific set of actions.
The game is divided into three main stages:
Year Start: This is the beginning of each year in the game.
- Each player receives their income from the bank, which is based on their current position on the income track.
- Players also get to refresh their available barrels, meaning they can use their barrels again for the current year.
- Then, players take turns in order, based on the player order track, to choose and perform one of the four possible actions.
Action Phase: In this phase, players take turns to perform various actions.
- Establish Estates: Players can establish new vineyards in different regions of the board. Each estate requires a specific cost in money and barrels.
- Make Wine: Players can use their estates to produce wine. The quality of the wine depends on the weather and the region.
- Sell Wine: Players can sell their wine in local or foreign markets to earn money and score points.
- Expand Cellar: Players can expand their cellars to store more and better quality wines.
Year End: This marks the end of a game year.
- Players can choose to participate in a Wine Fair, where they can present their wines to score additional points.
- The player order for the next year is determined based on the current position on the scoring track.
- The weather for the next year is revealed, which will affect the wine production.
Each game year provides players with opportunities to grow their wine business, compete with other players, and strategize their actions for maximum profit and scoring. The player with the most points at the end of six game years wins the game.
Players'turn One turn to rule them all
In Vinhos, a strategic board game set in the world of wine production, players take turns to perform various actions. Each turn offers a range of strategic choices that allow you to expand your vineyard, cultivate grapes, and enhance your wines. Here’s a detailed rundown of a player’s turn:
1. Select an Action Spot:
At the beginning of each turn, the player must select one of the nine available action spots on the central game board. This is a crucial step as each spot offers a different action and influences the player’s strategy.
2. Pay the Cost:
Once the action spot is selected, the player must pay the cost associated with that action. This usually involves spending action points (AP) or money. Choosing an action spot that is already occupied will require additional costs.
3. Perform the Action:
After paying the cost, the player performs the action associated with the chosen spot. The available actions are:
- Establish an Estate: This action allows the player to buy a new vineyard, which will increase their wine production.
- Grow Vines: This action allows the player to plant grapes in their vineyards, which can later be harvested to produce wine.
- Produce Wine: This action allows the player to turn their harvested grapes into wine.
- Sell Wine: This action allows the player to sell their produced wine to generate income.
- Export Wine: This action allows the player to export their wine to foreign markets for victory points.
- Market Actions: These actions allow the player to influence the wine market, adjusting prices and demand.
- Special Actions: These actions provide various bonuses and advantages to the player.
4. Optional Bank Visit:
After performing their action, the player may visit the bank. This optional step allows the player to either buy or sell barrels of wine for money.
5. End of the Turn:
The turn ends after the bank visit. The player then moves their marker to the spot that represents the action they took this turn. This spot will be their starting point for the next turn.
The key to succeeding in Vinhos is to carefully plan your actions and make strategic decisions based on the current state of the game. The choices you make each turn will ultimately determine the quality and quantity of your wine, your income, and your victory points.
End of the game All good games must come to an end
Vinhos, a strategy-based board game that revolves around wine production, is played over six years (or rounds), each year consisting of two seasons – Spring and Winter. The game ends after the completion of these six years.
Game Ending:
The game of Vinhos concludes after the 6th year’s winter season. Once all players have performed their actions for this final season, the game ends, and final scoring begins. Players must ensure they have completed all necessary actions before this point, as there will be no further opportunities to alter the state of the game.
Victory Conditions:
Victory in Vinhos is determined by the total number of victory points a player accumulates throughout the game. These victory points can be earned in several ways as follows:
- Wine Production: Players earn points for producing and selling wines.
- Wine Fair: Players can earn points by presenting their wines at the Wine Fair.
- Estate Improvements: Points are earned by making improvements to your vineyards, such as building estates and wineries.
- Expertise: Players can earn points by increasing their expertise in various aspects of wine production.
Actions Before Final Scoring:
Before final scoring, players may have some last minute actions to take, such as:
- Ensure all wine sales and shipments are completed and accounted for.
- Calculate any final points from Wine Fairs and Estate Improvements.
- Update their expertise levels to reflect any last-round actions.
Once these actions are completed, the final scoring takes place. The player with the highest total victory points is declared the winner of the game. In case of a tie, the player with the most money wins.
Scoring Did you outsmart your rivals?
Vinhos is an intricate and immersive board game that revolves around the production and trade of Portuguese wines. The player with the most victory points (VP) at the end of the game is declared the winner. Victory points are earned through various activities throughout the game. Here is a breakdown of the scoring system:
1. Wine Quality: Each player earns victory points according to the quality of their wine. The higher the quality of the wine, the more points a player earns.
- Quality 1-5: 1 VP
- Quality 6-10: 2 VP
- Quality 11-15: 3 VP
- Quality 16-20: 4 VP
2. Wine Fairs: Players can also earn points by presenting their wines at fairs. The total presentation value of a player’s wine determines the points earned.
- Value 1-3: 1 VP
- Value 4-6: 2 VP
- Value 7-9: 3 VP
- Value 10-12: 4 VP
3. Wine Expert Tiles: These tiles are awarded when players reach certain milestones in the game. Each tile is worth a specific number of points, as indicated on the tile.
4. Estates: Players earn points for each estate they own at the end of the game. The points vary depending on the size and upgrades of the estate.
5. Bank Loans: Players lose points for any unpaid bank loans at the end of the game. Each unpaid loan causes a loss of 1 VP.
In the event of a tie, the rules for breaking it are as follows:
- The player with the most money left at the end of the game wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the highest quality wine wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player with the most estates wins.
- If there is still a tie, the player who played first wins.
Particular Cases and Exceptions Wait… is that legal?
Vinhos is a complex and strategic board game based on the process of producing wine in Portugal. Here are some important rules, exceptions, and clarifications to consider while playing:
1. Wine Fair Scoring: In the Wine Fair, only the features present on the wine barrel are counted for scoring. Any bonuses or improvements made to the wine estate do not count here.
2. Purchase of Vineyards: Purchasing of vineyards can only occur if the player’s marker is in the region of the vineyard they wish to buy. A player cannot buy a vineyard from a region where they do not have a presence.
3. Weather Influence: The weather can have a direct effect on your wine production. In a year with bad weather, wine production is reduced by one. However, in a year with good weather, wine production increases by one.
4. Bank Loan Rules: Players can take a bank loan at any time during their turn. However, the bank loan must be repaid by the end of the game, otherwise, the player incurs negative victory points.
5. Winery Expansion: Players can only expand their winery if they have the necessary experts. The architect is needed to build a winery, and the oenologist is needed to improve the wine quality.
6. Expert Actions: Each expert has a special ability that can only be used once per year. If an expert’s ability has been used, the player must wait until the following year to use it again.
7. End of the Game: The game ends after six rounds. At this point, players add up their estate’s value, their money, and their victory points. Any unpaid loans are deducted from the total. The player with the most points wins.
Note: While these rules cover most of the gameplay, ‘Vinhos’ is a complex game with many strategic decisions. It is recommended that players familiarize themselves with the rules thoroughly before playing.
Tips and tricks Play smarter, not harder!
Advanced Strategies:
- Maximize your bank: Your bank is your primary resource in Vinhos. Make sure you’re always building this up, especially in the early game, so that you can afford the more expensive wines later.
- Invest in Estates: Buying estates early on will allow you to produce more wine, which in turn will help you earn more points.
- Utilize the Fair: The Wine Fair can be a great way to earn points, especially if you have a lot of wine in your cellar.
Beginner Tips:
- Plan your moves: Vinhos is a game of strategy, so make sure you’re always thinking a few moves ahead.
- Pay attention to the market: The wine market is constantly changing, so be sure to keep an eye on it and adjust your strategy accordingly.
- Don’t forget about the weather: Weather can have a big impact on your wine production, so don’t forget to take it into account.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
- Ignoring the Wine Fair: It can be easy to focus too much on wine production and forget about the Wine Fair, but this is a mistake. The Wine Fair can be a major source of points, so make sure to take advantage of it.
- Not diversifying your wines: Focusing too much on one type of wine can leave you vulnerable if the market shifts. Try to have a variety of wines in your cellar.
- Not managing your bank properly: It can be tempting to spend all your money on estates and wine production, but make sure you always have enough left over to cover your expenses.
Ways to Optimize Gameplay:
- Manage your resources: Always be aware of how much money and wine you have, and plan your moves accordingly.
- Adapt to the market: If the market is favoring a particular type of wine, consider switching your production to take advantage of this.
- Use your enologists wisely: Enologists can greatly improve the quality of your wine, so make sure to use them to their full potential.